Heart of the Country
Heart of the Country
| 19 August 2013 (USA)
Heart of the Country Trailers

With her husband jailed for Wall Street-based fraud, Faith has to leave behind her luxury life in New York to return home to North Carolina and the widower father and dutiful older sister she left behind. Together, they have to deal with the buried emotions of sudden death of Faith’s mother years ago, and learn to be a family again. Like the Prodigal story, Heart of the Country is a tale of a father’s unconditional love. He simply wants a relationship with his children, and once that relationship is restored, he begins to create healing for his broken daughter. Her marriage has to be rebuilt, her belief in herself, and her peace with her mother’s death all come together through the quiet, selfless guidance of her loving father. The novel, written by Rene Gutteridge from the original screenplay by filmmaker John Ward, takes us from the glamour of Manhattan to the open beauty of the fields of rural Columbus County, North Carolina as the timeless tale of the Prodigal Son is reborn!

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
e I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of acting, beautiful scenery, but even more so by the content of this movie. It is extremely refreshing to watch a romantic movie that values marriage. So many other romantic dramas or comedies that I have watched put all the emphasis on the "chemistry" between two characters. It is common to see relationships develop based on physical attraction and thus not surprising to commonly see characters leave their spouse for another "truer love". However, in this movie I was very pleased to see the characters work out a relationship even when it got downright hard... and even when temptation arises. I feel this movie paints a more realistic picture of what real life relationships are like. We often will make mistakes and disappoint and sometimes not even feel the "warm fuzzies" anymore... it takes grace and forgiveness and work to get that "music" back that was there in the beginning. This is the kind of romantic movie I would want my daughters to watch to balance the message that is the "norm" these days.
mbatchelor-22095 I think I enjoyed Gerald McRaney the most as Calvin, the father in the movie. He was great at playing a guy with a gruff exterior, but a heart of gold who'd do anything for his girls. I did kinda want to see her end up with the doctor, but in the end she chose to honor her wedding vows, which I think sends an awesome message. There aren't enough movies being made today that portray a Biblical world view. Jana Kramer is a beautiful lady with a beautiful voice; she was great in the role of Faith. I liked that Luke fessed up to what he did and took his knocks, and the overall theme of the movie of the importance of family. I watched it on Netflix; feel like it was a couple hours well spent; in the end I felt uplifted by this nice little movie.
lomaxbrit This film firstly imitated a Sunday morning special but with no backbone to it. The scenery is beautiful yes, and so is Jana but she doesn't use her acting chops in this film, and characters are left undeveloped. What happened to the doctor that Jana's character was flirting with here? Why does she leave him for the husband she left in NY? and relationships are nothing more than face value? The film was shot well and looks all fine but the story needs a heavy dose of character development script writing badly. However in consideration the two leads Jana Kramer and Gerald McRaney are great for their roles.I don't understand what Jana sees in this film that she took the time to make it
jordannelson421 This heartfelt movie told a story of real life issues that occur during relationships in this century. The only thing that I wished would had happened is that she ended up with the doctor, Lee. Even though she didn't end up with Lee, there was no reason to dislike the movie. Her husband tried to win her back. The whole reason he was in his predicament was because Faith wanted him to go on his own, away from his father and brother. His brother gave her dad the chance to see the cancer specialist and he pleaded guilty for his wrongdoings. He wasn't a jerk. He tried to repair their relationship and in the end he did. This movie is a tearjerker that will leave you on the front of your seat till the ending.
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