Hear No Evil
Hear No Evil
R | 26 March 1993 (USA)
Hear No Evil Trailers

Jillian Shanahan, a deaf woman, becomes the target of a ruthless and corrupt cop. The cop is looking for a stolen coin, which he plans to keep for himself. A journalist briefly acquires the coin and hides it in Jillian's apartment, then his car explodes, now the cop is after her.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Wizard-8 I imagine that for people like Marlee Matlin, they simply don't get a lot of different roles to choose from, and have to pick the very little they are given, even if the work they are offered simply isn't good. "Hear No Evil", as you might have guessed, isn't a good movie. In fairness to Matlin, she does give it all for this role, but this role - as well as the rest of the script - is not very well written. In the first part of the movie, we learn next to nothing about her character, so it's hard to sympathize with her character when the bad things start happening to her. It feels at times, not just in the first part of the movie, that this movie is missing a lot of scenes that would explain a lot of things, even though the movie runs 97 minutes. What we end up with is a movie that seems to have an insulting attitude towards the audience's intelligence. The movie is not thrilling, nor does it give any interesting insight towards people who are deaf. A big disappointment.
disdressed12 to me,this is just a standard suspense thriller/crime drama.although,in reality,it isn't really thrilling or suspenseful.in fact,it could be a TV episode from a crime show.except for the bit of nudity.you have your usual cast of characters,criminals looking for something,murders,witnesses,plot twists that aren't.i like Marlee Matlin and D.B. Sweeney,but i didn't sense any chemistry between them.the story itself is,like i said,fairly generic,and uninvolving,with a few things that don't add up.in other words,logic gaps.to be fair there are a few tense moments,adding up to maybe five minutes or so of the total running time.otherwise,it's slow and yawn inducing.for me,Hear no Evil is a 4/10
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) This movie was a bit on the so-so side. A thriller that has received a bad rap. But on the other hand, it had a little educational, and humorous side to it. Marlee Matlin, one of my favorite hearing impaired actresses did a spectacular role in "Children of a lesser god", did an O.K. job in this movie, though her speech is impaired, I can understand some of the things she's saying. D.B. Sweeney, from "Memphis Belle", and the short lived series "Strange Luck", could have put a little pep in his step. The best part of the movie was when the couple got to "get it on" he learned a few words about sexual intimacy in sign language. The part where she did the sign for "erection" was a riot! That was one of the bright spots in the movie. The plot was rather typical, and the outcome was a bit of a no brainer, the stars deserve better, this movie however was no exception. Rating 2 out of 5 stars.
guilfisher I blame the writing on this 1993 inept TV who-done-it. That credit goes to Randall Badat and Danny Rubin. Then add boring directing and you have a real bad movie. Even Marin Sheen, overacting a lot, can't save this bomb. D B Sweeney didn't seem connected to this. And Marlee Matlin, who hasn't done well since LESSER GOD, was horrible. Running around screaming, panting and being obvious all the way. Why is it when people are being chased and don't want to be caught, they scream all the way. It was so obvious where she was. Only an idiot killer couldn't find her.I can't even give this silly nonsense any vote at all. It seemed a terrible film from the start. No redemption, no character development, no mystery, not even believable acting. I've seen good actors try to make the most of bad scripts, but this group didn't even try. Why does someone like Mr. Sheen and Mr. Sweeney even consider making a dud like this? Is the work that hard to find? I agree on a rating from 1-10 I give this a big 0!