R | 06 May 2005 (USA)
Headhunter Trailers

Ambitious young go-getter Ben Caruso signs on with sexy corporate headhunter Sarah Tierney. Sarah gets Ben a new job with great pay working the graveyard shift. However, Ben soon discovers that Sarah is a witch and his coworkers are the tormented souls of Sarah's previous conquests. If Ben doesn't find a missing head in a few days, he's in danger of losing his own.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Stevieboy666 The British DVD front cover states that this is a Paul Tarantino film - who??? Never heard of him either, but obviously his surname is enough to catch the eye. As for the rear cover it tries to make comparisons with The Shining, The Ring and Stephen King - utter bull****!! Ambitious Ben gets a well paid office job working the graveyard shift thanks to a sexy corporate headhunter. But straight away he is thrown into a nightmare world of supernatural horror. The plot is pretty crazy though easy to follow, the acting is wooden & the special effects look very cheap. I'm not sure if the intention was to make a scary film, which this certainly isn't, or if it was done tongue in cheek. This is a bad, cheesy film, no two ways about it, but I found entertainingly so. NB - there is a short, final post-credits scene for anybody who refrains from hitting the eject button beforehand.
CarlB1961 This movie is so offensively bad I actually take it as a personal affront...and believe me, I've seen plenty of terrible horror movies.The acting is soap-opera-level - at BEST - and it is painfully apparent that none of these people have had much (if any) experience performing before a camera before and probably not much since.None of the characters are likable and the lead male is not sympathetic at all (he cheats on his wife in the first half-hour without any apparent remorse and after she is killed by the titular Headhunter he shows no grief AT ALL).Nothing that happens in the story makes any sense and none of the characters behave in anywhere near what could be considered a logical manner.The writing is inane.The special effects are laughable.The cemetery at the climax looks about as "realistic" as the one featured in Plan 9 From Outer Space.The only positive thing I can say about the whole production (and the reason I'm giving it a vote of 2 out of 10 instead of just 1) is that it's pretty professionally lit and filmed - THAT'S IT.Director Paul Tarantino (no; no relation to THAT Tarantino) should go back to film school, and if that doesn't work out, he should go apply at Pizza Hut.P.S., it should be obvious to anyone who has actually SEEN this waste of time that the people who posted good comments on the IMDb review section are either affiliated with the flick or are friends of the director. Nice try, guys.
innocuous First, let me say that I've found films from Xenon Pictures to be consistently "a little bit better" than many other film labels. They just seem to get more for the limited budgets and the films tend to have more personality. "Headhunter" (not to be confused with "Head Hunter" or "Head-Hunter") continues this tradition. The acting and special effects are much better than most of the other B-movie junk out there.Second, I found that this move improved quite a bit in the second act, after moping through a very slow start. Don't be put off by the first 20 minutes, which are pretty mediocre.Finally, please bear with me as I get on my soap box to ask, "Do any young screenwriters finish school?" Or, rather, "Do they pass English class?" Here's a film which undoubtedly consumed many months of the production crew's lives and took I-don't-know-how-long to write. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of crew members on the set. In spite of all this, nobody thought to point out that you spell it "cemetery," NOT "cemetary." I don't know about you, but it sort of takes the starch out of a scary scene when the protagonist drives up to a huge engraved sign that says, "XXXXX Cemetery". Also, somebody needs to let the prop people know that the possessive form of "it" is not "it's," so the fake newspaper articles look at least a tad more realistic. I'm not even going to start on the difference between "there," "their" and "they're"....Yeah, I'm being a Grinch, but you'd think that someone somewhere would pick up a dictionary or use a spell checker.Overall, much better than most of the horror dreck that's being served up direct-to-video.As a final stinger, I've just noticed that the IMDb spell checker doesn't note that "cemetery" may be a misspelling. It is. Hmmm...let me try it without the quotes: cemetery. No...the IMDb spell checker needs to go back to school, too.
dilbertsuperman Something about the script and the director make up for the wretched generally worthless actors in this movie. I actually liked this film enough to watch it all. Don't get me wrong, there are moments in this movie where the actors are actually pretty decent, followed by a scene where they are just cue-card reading horrible. There's some attention to detail in this movie that just shows a lot of effort and a lot of heart went into this production even if it is obviously low budget. There is actually a plot of sorts which is a big step up for this genre. It's really the lack of special effects budget that kills this film. The sex scene was great but we needed about 3 more really hot ones, especially with his girlfriend.What results is a watchable low budget horror film- more for a single corporate guy than anyone else since it is office space horror with a corporate backdrop (of sorts).THE PLOT:A very hot corporate headhunter gets a guy the job of his dreams but he has to work very strange hours and it seems like his coworkers are not completely from this world. She has the hots for him but she's nothing but trouble it seems- With a huge budget and some more creative plot elements, this could have been a blockbuster, but the small budget keeps it in the watchable yet crippled category and I am sure the plot elements had to be warped down to the low budget.