He Sees You When You're Sleeping
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
PG | 22 December 2002 (USA)
He Sees You When You're Sleeping Trailers

A man dies in a freak accident on a golf course only to learn he must perform one last good deed to get into heaven.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
blanche-2 Call me a glutton for punishment, but I usually watch Mary Higgins Clark's stories turned into films, even though they're generally schlockily produced, slow as molasses, badly acted and accompanied by Psycho music. I can't believe I'm writing this, but I'd almost rather see Grosso-Jacobsen, who normally produce movies from her books, than Lifetime.The film stars Cameron Bancroft, one of the worst actors I've ever seen, as Sterling Brooks, a self-absorbed stock broker who is killed by a traveling golf ball (probably to stop him from yelling all his lines at the top of his lungs) and goes to the other side (cue the dry ice). There he meets Joe, played by another great thespian, Greg Evigan, trying but failing to speak with some sort of British accent who is supposed to help him qualify for heaven since right now, his fate hasn't been decided.Joe and Sterling return to earth and Sterling learns that he has to help his old girlfriend Annie (Erika Eleniak) and her daughter (Nickol Tschenscher). Annie overheard mobsters talking and planning to set fire to a house and follow it up with a murder, and her evidence is critical in a case against them. She has been under protection and separated from her daughter, who is miserable. Joe wants Sterling to make sure they're reunited, and with the girl's father, for Christmas.Eleniak owns this type of film, so she knows how to handle herself. In this production, she plays a singer who does jazzed up versions of Christmas songs. I'm not talking about jazzing up Jolly Old St. Nick, she's jazzing up hymns like Silent Night.This story has similarities to Ghost and It's a Wonderful Life, and Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark can write good stories that don't make for heavy reading. "He Sees You When You're Sleeping" could have been a lovely Christmas story and a real tear-jerker, but for me, the acting wrecked it. I say spend a little extra money and get another one or two good actors and throw in a good director. You might be surprised at the results.
SnowWhiteSal He Sees You When You're Sleeping is one of several Mary Higgins Clark adaptations; it stars Erika Eleniak, Cameron Bancroft and Greg Evigan.***May Contain Spoilers*** This TV movie is about this self-centred, selfish superficial stockbroker Sterling Brooks (Cameron Bancroft) who dies before his time in some random freak accident. In order to secure himself a place in heaven, Sterling is given the opportunity to redeem himself by helping out single mom Annie Campbell (Erika Eleniak) and her daughter Marissa, who are in the witness protection program, from nasty mobsters who will stop at nothing - including murder - to prevent Annie from testifying against them.Like most TV movies, it was a little on the cheesy side, but that is something I really enjoy. It's nice to sit down and watch something you know isn't real, but maybe, just maybe it COULD happen!Although the movie had somewhat strange and silly ideas about the afterlife and what not, I found that quite charming in a weird and wonderful sort of way.The only thing I didn't really like about this movie was Greg Evigan's performance as the guardian angel Joe, I just felt it was really badly acted compared to everyone else in the film.Cameron was really enjoyable to watch, I think my grandma now has a slight crush on him, but it's all good!! When he first "came back to earth" you really rooted for people to be able to see him and know he was there.Erika was as always excellent in this movie, it was great seeing her play something a little different and nice seeing her play a mommy to a little girl. There was a great chemistry between the actresses on screen and you really wanted to see Annie get back home to be with her daughter for Christmas.If you like a good drama/fantasy style movie, then this is definitely worth the watch, I know I'll watch it again (and again)
helpless_dancer This clunker didn't know if it wanted to be a comedy or a drama. I sat through all of it but knew where it was leading all the way. The book was probably better, which makes me wonder why I spent 2 hours on this cornball "chiller". I've seen worse, but wish I'd bypassed it.
FilmLabRat Movie has provoking ideas about the afterlife, second chances and values. Tries too hard to be crime thriller, melodrama and kids movie, all at the same time. If the plot were not a bit too predictable and saccharine, could be a deep and interesting film. At least the ending is rather unexpected.