Haunting of the Innocent
Haunting of the Innocent
| 01 February 2014 (USA)
Haunting of the Innocent Trailers

Tom and Brenda have the perfect life but when Brenda is violently attacked in the comfort of their home, their perfect lives are thrown into chaos and fear.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Michael Ledo Tom (Rib Hillis) has everything: A beautiful lily white wife (Jessica Morris), a wonderful son (Dane Hillis) a great job as a successful architect and an assistant (Mariah Bonner) with benefits. When his wife is raped in the first scene, the family must get away to her home town of Thornby where they stay with her dad (Neil Dickson). The town is a bit odd and the women are overly flirty with both Tom and Brenda, his wife.Brenda discovers her Viking/Norse/rune magic/witchcraft roots as the film PLOT SPOILER becomes eerily similar to "Harvest Home."The film suffered from several problems. First and foremost was that it dragged. Things moved very slowly to get us to a climax, where the audience is half asleep, just waiting for the film to end. The acting wasn't that great. The dialogue needed some zip. The film was a good idea, at least when Thomas Tryon wrote it, however it failed to keep people engaged. The nude scenes were all end loaded too. If you are going to use nudity to spur interest, they need to be spread out. 2 1/2 starsGuide: F-bomb, rape, sex, nudity (Mariah Bonner, Jessica Morris, Hannah Cowley)
FountainPen There are a few worse flicks I've seen, so I rate this putrid film 2/10. The only part I enjoyed was the lead feller carving into his chest with a pair of scissors, but that wasn't even clearly shown, unfortunately. Actors mumbled much of the time and the DVD has no subtitles, so I missed much of the dialogue; it didn't make any real difference, for the "plot" is as thin as a moth's wing, like the talent of the moviemakers responsible for this crud. The young actor who played the som may have a future: I felt he acted rather well, given the script he was presented with. My advice? AVOID THIS FILM !! 2/10.
gpeltz The Haunting of the Innocent (2014) was Directed by Matt Hish, And there will be spoilers ahead, If you are wondering if you should watch this movie, I'd say, go ahead, then come back and read my take on why this movie may not be anyone's cup of tea..Something is off kilter here. The story is complex, and it sometimes gets lost in the style of the telling. Truth is, the Style here is distinct. Deliberate and pensive, to some, Slow and Boring to others. On the plus side, all the technical aspects are up to par and then maybe a little more so, visually . The sound design is carefully figured into the mix, and plays a big part, in the early "Made you jump" scenes. A bit later in the movie, The volume increase giveaway, looses it's power, and we no longer start, at the "Boo" scenes. Not all the dialog is easily understood. Darn my ears, but I can not make out what whispering actors are saying. This movie makes no sense on so many levels, but because of the unique pacing, more akin to a Terrence Malick movie I find it worth viewing. The camera lingers on shots long after the directer shouts "cut" Phantasmagorical photo collages strobe before you. You actually feel the mood of mystery at times, more so then understanding whats going on. They contribute absolutely nothing to the narrative. Kudos to the cinematographers who kept the shots tight the lighting appropriate, and the images consistent with the super natural theme. The actors here try their best, but the multifaceted plot line becomes hopelessly twisted. Opening Credits place the start of the action just outside LA. The movie is about Rape. Brenda played by Jessica Morris is assaulted in the opening scenes, A random act of violation, her Husband; a successful but philandering Architect, played by Judd Nelson , wants to do, "The right thing" and take care of her after her ordeal, particularly for the sake of their young son, played by Dane Hills. In spite of the fact that she continuously is becoming more distant, from their marriage vows. He feels remorse about not having been there to protect her from her assailant. This is the guilt trip, she lays on him Sounds OK so far ? Throw in some hostile in-laws, some cryptic town folk, some ghosts from the past, and a smattering of Norse mythology. Add a pinch of nudity, sex, and Lesbian attraction. Shake it all up and this is what you get. Understanding is futile. Three out of five stars, for the Style.
stuckisean I have watched Voodoo Moon and have seen Killer Holiday but Haunting of the innocent takes the cake. For some reason it came out a day early on red box and had a theatrical release for God knows why, my friend asked Ruddigur if I would pay 10 dollars to see this and I would have walked out. A nonsensical bore fest of a suspense horror that looked more like a made for TV dark romance made for lifetime. I have never been so bored watching a movie, I was so mad at the end that I would seriously get in the cage with Chris Weidman and fight in the cage to get my 1.30$ back. I tolerated it by making up my own storyline about the Grandpa having an alter ego "The Dikler" and he ends up being the "a man who gets his way" and a serial one at that. I called Red box before to demand a refund after watching the movie horrible bosses which was a horrible movie but the level of crap makes me want to demand free rentals for a month. 0 out of 10 stars