Haunting of Cellblock 11
Haunting of Cellblock 11
NC-17 | 01 July 2014 (USA)
Haunting of Cellblock 11 Trailers

A group of ghost hunters must up their game to compete in the competitive world of paranormal TV shows, leading them to a truly haunted prison with a grisly past that proves to be more than they bargained for.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Josh Wait, never mind. This movie actually spoiled itself. I'm an avid horror fan and don't even mind bad ones but this is a stinker. The CG effects were really bad. I was actually glad to see someone die. This movie had an excellent location and some good ideas but wasn't able to do much with them. Got me thinking I could make a better horror film than that, so it motivated me in a way.
shawnblackman A ghost hunting team travel to a reportedly haunted prison in an effort to save their ailing TV show which has yet to have a ghost sighting. They get more then they bargained for when they start finding angry prisoner ghosts and the door to get out is chained.This one is not very good as most scare factors are shutting doors, falling objects and the odd ghost image. Nothing too heavy. I was surprised it wasn't done as a found footage. Dee Wallace has a three minute scene at the beginning which probably was where there entire budget went in paying her wage, flight and hotel. The other actors in this one you'll forget after the film is over as I already do. Skip this one.
foxdogehound I'm here to give you a REAL review of this movie, not some extreme movie critic review bullsh*t. You may find some of the things I say to be spoilers, but this movie is already spoiled. Don't watch this and expect to get what the title of the movie tells you. I hated every single character of this movie and couldn't wait for them to die. Joel and Kate want a vacation yet their adult career is a ghost hunter. The fat guy is always talking about food and acts stupid, then just vanishes from the movie. Roger is just that irritating anti-everything that nobody really wants in the group and all he does is inconvenience everyone. The story of the location in this movie is very short but sweet. Classic twisted doctor that tortures people in a few interesting ways compared to your standard murderer, just not enough ways. The guy in charge telling the story was creepy as f*ck the whole time. Sh*t started to pick up eventually with something I've never seen in any of these movies, but then they ruined it with cheesy music. You can find scarier music/sound files in a Google search. Before I knew it, the movie was over and only one person died. What an unfinished, generic story. This had potential to be good if it was done a little better and the actual story extended. Not worth watching. Grave Encounters is way better.
sheila-205-702141 As someone who was privileged to watch the filming process for this movie first-hand, I was completely impressed with the quality of the film overall. to say the location was challenging is probably an understatement. It was very cold when the cast & crew descended upon the film location (and there was no heat available during filming at the main location either). This movie was primarily filmed in just over one week - amazing! Everyone needs to watch this movie, very exciting and great storyline. Can't wait until it comes out on DVD to own my own copy. Rent it, buy it - most of all WATCH IT.