R | 12 March 1999 (USA)
Harvest Trailers

A DEA agent and a local sheriff have to wrestle with their consciences as they start raids on local farmers, who have started growing marijuana simply to keep their farms operational. Story focuses on a young man, who accidentally discovers that his straight-laced parents are involved in the marijuana cultivation.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Larry Mondello (chirpas72) I'm a fan of farmers but this mass-media notion that farmers are losing their shirts doesn't hold water in the real world. Unless they are VERY stupid, there are so many federal subsidies available, along with other programs, that farmers would never even consider growing pot. Plus, as pointed out by others, to just pick fresh plants and throw them into a garbage is not the way pot is sold (or so i've been told. Nod, nod, wink wink.) The movie itself is shallow, the characters ridiculous.
jdwoodward I caught this on Cinemax very late at night...nothing else was on so I pretty much had no choice. Bottom line, terrible plot, slow, waste of good film and actors' time. To make it short, don't even bother with this one. It's too bad we can't give zeros as a rating; this one really is not worth even a consideration!!!
George Parker (Spoilers) "Cash Crop" goes something like this. Down-on-their-luck farmers grow pot to make ends meet. DEA agent blows into town. Farmers hide the pot. DEA agent leaves town. End of story.This flick features solid performances by some second tier actors, mediocre direction, and a so-so screenplay...but it ain't got no story. And since the story is the foundation of every drama, "Cash Crop" is an utter failure. Too boring to recommend.
alrupert Funny how people "upholding the law" can justify what laws they choose to follow. This movie has a lot of truth. How many people do you see throwing their cigarette butts out the window of the car? Isn't there a law against littering? And isn't tobacco a drug? Also interesting how "Big Business" makes laws that benefit them, and then uses marketing to convince the farmer to borrow money, then starves him out, takes his land, and forces him to get a factory job which makes stuff so Big Business can sell it back to them and take more of their money. I think it's funny when the DEA agent gets sick from eating the non-processed food that is grown organic by the same farmers she is trying to arrest. I thought the writers made their point very well. Everyone should watch this movie and wake up to what is happening to the farmland. Urban sprawl is a self-serving industry. In the immortal words of Ray Zalinsky, `What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public'. WAKE UP people! And check out `GRASS'.