Hare Conditioned
Hare Conditioned
| 11 August 1945 (USA)
Hare Conditioned Trailers

Bugs Bunny is working in the display window of a department store when the manager tries to move him to the taxidermy department and have him stuffed.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
phantom_tollbooth Chuck Jones's 'Hare Conditioned' is a fast paced, often hilarious cartoon. Pitting Bugs Bunny against a strange, yellow-skinned apartment store manager who wants to have him stuffed, 'Hare Conditioned' takes full advantage of its multi-purpose setting. The chase takes Bugs and his pursuer through a variety of departments, leading to an inspired gag in which they quickly emerge from various departments wearing whatever clothes are associated with that part of the store. This great gag is trumped, however, by a truly inspired sequence involving elevators in which Bugs, disguised as an elevator boy, tricks the store manager into relentlessly getting on or off elevators at the wrong time. It's a brilliant climactic set piece which unfortunately gives way to a not very funny final gag. By that time, however, 'Hare Conditioned' has made its mark as one of the great chase films, bursting with wild energy. As Bugs was becoming more refined in some of the other cartoons from this period, 'Hare Conditioned' showed that he could still be just as appealing as a more anarchic character.
ccthemovieman-1 Not being familiar with the subject of this parody - "The Great Gildersleeve," from the hit radio program "Fibber McGee and Molly," I guess I couldn't appreciate the humor in here. This guy - the store manager - wasn't funny to me.Bugs is working in a department store and things are going fine until he's transferred to the taxidermy room where he's going to be the next animal stuffed. To no surprise, Bugs is not thrilled with that prospect and does what he can to outwit "Gildersleeve."When the two start chasing each other all around the huge department store is when this cartoon gets funny....and very clever with the changing-clothes bits. That made up for slow first half.
movieman_kev A great Bugs Bunny cartoon from the earlier years has Bugs as a performer in an window display at a local department store. After he's done for the day the manager comes in to tell him that he'll be transferring soon. Bugs is happy to oblige into he figures out that the new job is in taxidermy...and that taxidermy has to do with stuffing animals. Animals like say, a certain rabbit. This causes a battle of wits between the rascally rabbit and his now former employer. I found this short to be delightful and definitely one of the better ones of the early 1940's. It still remains as funny nearly 60+ years later. This animated short can be seen on Disc 1 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2.My Grade: A-
paulo20 This, along with "Hare Tonic," ranks as one of the best Bugs cartoons, indeed one of the best Bugs, ever. There are some comments about how Bugs in these cartoons is "basic," meaning, I guess, that he is as yet not fully developed. I actually prefer this "basic" version from the mid-40s (Chuck Jones' was the best version) who is actually more rabbit-sized and far more amusing than the eventual long-legged version who towered over Yosemite Sam and Daffy Duck. The latter-day Bugs came to be too suave and sophisticated for my liking. Also check out "Hair Raising Hare" (1946) and "Rabbit Punch" (1948) for great examples of classic Bugs and classic Chuck Jones.