| 01 November 1987 (USA)
Hangmen Trailers

Rob Greene has information about an undercover terror team inside the CIA led by Joe Connelly. To stay alive with the knowledge, he is advised to stay undercover by his supervisor Andrews. Connelly's men try to kill Greene, but he can escape and warns his son Danny that he also may be in danger and that he should look for Dog Thompson.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Mita Pogue Spoiler Alert: This is a bad movie. I'm not sure if that qualifies as an actual spoiler, but trust me. Your day will be spoiled if you sit through this movie. But I'm sure somewhere below I will reveal plot stuff that can be construed as spoilers.I've really been a fan of Sandra Bullock for a long time. She funny, adorable, and really a very good actress. I've never really seen her in a bad movie. Until now.I'm not going to blame her. It's not her fault. I suppose an aspiring actress needs something to do to make money or break into the acting business. But apparently it didn't hurt her career, so… whatever.On the whole, the acting was not just sub par. It was abysmal. Maybe some of the blame for that can rest with the direction/production, but not all. Sandra was the best one, and she was pretty green. Still, nothing can make up for the torture I was put through while trying to find something - anything - redeeming about this movie. I was utterly unsuccessful. Everything is gratuitous, from the absolutely unnecessary amount of dead bodies (with absolutely NO police interference whatsoever - right in the middle of the day in public buildings, no less) The foul language is also not only gratuitous and forced, but since the acting is so horrid it's all foul anyway. The head honcho over all the assassinations apparently loves giving orders over the phone, because he was on the phone more than a teenage girl. The editing is awful - you can tell where all the voice overs are. In one scene where Danny is riding in the car with "Dog" (or whatever his name was), all the background noise of driving, gravel, or city noise nearly disappears and the dialog is inserted at a different volume and you can hear the volume go in and out each time it's inserted. In each scene throughout the movie, the volume is high then low then high again… which didn't help the dialog because it was already bad, and after a while I started feeling lucky when it was low.I must confess, I couldn't finish the movie. I tried. I really did. But after about an hour I just didn't think I could take it anymore. Although I don't recommend anyone watch this for any actual pleasure, I do highly recommend it for breaking the will of our enemies.
vitachiel Don't worry when looking at the cover of the DVD, Sandra Bullock only appears at most 5 minutes in total in this cult classic. The entertainment value here is very high. To name but a few of the many highlights that should be paid attention to:The doubled evil voices of the chief bad guys - The special gun cam - The weird masks and outfits of the hit killers - The showy ways to catch a bullet and hit the ground - The abundance of bottom-up shots - The spacey scene in which Bullock falls unconscious on the street - The over-cliché Italian mob guy Moe (LaMotta) - The cheap synthesizer background music - The mesmerizing overdone gun fetishismAnd last but not least: the super corny fist-fight scenes. Wish there would have been more of those...Extra point for the successful attempt at making me laugh out loud.
davidaplace-2 WAIT until you've watched most of all other films ever released, wait a year, then watch this when you're ready for something with such low production values it that will not challenge anybody's imagination.I agree that whoever rated this movie as a ten-star production has to be doing it to skew the data. Anything above 8 would be odd.Nice to see the very young Sandy Bullock in her poofy hair for the short time she was featured, though she overdid the New Yorker accent but other times her southern (Virginia & NC) accent did sneak through. Ancient history for this accomplished actress who has grown so much since this film.The DVD I rented had two bonus features, a mini-bio section that only featured Sandra's bio - taken verbatim from IMDb. It also had a Trivia Quiz as a bonus - 3 questions. Hope you get them all right!
Qaoz I watched 5% of this movie tonight and you may tell me that I need to see the whole movie to understand it, but frankly I don't think so.What the hell is the story in this movie? I saw a lot of people running around in a factory, shooting at everything around them.Where to start? Okay..1) They were shooting around the place as if it was the Terminator or something they were trying to kill. The entire place is made of metal, but not a single bullet sparked on the metallic surfaces.2) No ricochet. Metal vs metal is bound to cause ricochets, but apparently no one got hit by a stray bullet.3) Magic bullets? In one scene a bad-guy is standing right in front of a good-guy when another good-guy pops out behind the bad-guy and pumps him full of metal. You see the bullets exit his chest as it explodes in a bloody mist, but the good-guy right in front of him doesn't get hurt at all! 4) After having just splattered a human being all over the wall, the two good-guys tell each other some jokes and they laugh and look like teenagers playing with soft-guns.5) Sound? At one point the good-guys cut a wire and an alarm goes off (who the hell cuts a wire just to set off an alarm?). The lady screams out "Alarm in sector blah blah" and the bad-guy boss says "Okay.. this.. is.. not.. a.. drill.. blah blah" in a very, very amateur kinda way. Ooh, we're getting ambushed by terrorists, this isn't a drill, but I'm gonna sound like I don't give crap.6) Focus!! First you see the bad-guys load up on weapons. For some reason the same guy gets the same Uzi twice. Deja vu or loop of scenes? You literally see every single bad-guy receive the same kind of weapon and they lock and load the same way. The weapons dealer pops in the clip and the bad-guy extra no. XX locks and loads. When they started opening fire you HAD to see the barrel flashes. Boooring!! 7) Actors or dummies? One of the presumed good-guys throw down a smoke grenade for some reason and of course the bad-guys are suddenly inside the smoke because they're smoke-blind or something so they don't see it coming. They cough and moan as if it was Anthrax in the grenade. Then a semi-boss bad-guy arrives and he doesn't even cough when he enters the smoke, he just pushes the other bad-guys away and they suddenly realize that the smoke isn't Anthrax anyway.8) B flick? I think yeah! A guy sliding down a metal pipe wielding a Uzi in his right hand shooting away at someone in his eye height apparently. I'd like to see a guy fire a Uzi with one hand and I'd like to see him go get his hand afterwards. Extra bloody gore mess in a B flick kinda way. Small *pops* and a red hole with a torn shirt indicates that this guy is dead. Though the first bullet hit his heart the good-guy who is a super trained green berets still feel the urge to empty his clip into the dead guy.9) One of these mentioned trained soldiers jump out from his hide with an empty clip! How stupid can you be!? Always check your clip before facing an unknown amount of enemies! 10) Boring scenes. Like the barrel flash scenes and the lock and load scenes, the movie is filled with time wasting scenes of people running around in an apparently empty building. Cut to the action if you're going for a B flick movie, please.My two cents on this movie.