Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary
Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary
PG | 01 June 1997 (USA)
Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary Trailers

Filmmaker S.R. Bindler profiles Texas contestants trying to win a truck by keeping one hand on it longer than everyone else.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
plutenko I saw this film at a film festival and thought about the event and people portrayed in it. These people who compete in the truck give-away are a sad bunch. They are willing to subject their bodies to an inhuman hardship just to be able to get a truck. Bit they already have cars, so what's up with that. Is it that area of East Texas that breeds these poor dumb son-of-a-bitches to lay down their health to maybe get a new truck? On top of that, some of them seem to have been in training for this. Some of them are religious fanatics, born again Christians: is this what Jesus would have done? To stand in heat for days to be able to acquire an earthly possession. This is a weird look into a weird group of rural Americans - somewhat exploitative of them.
Marc-86 All I have to say is, "Go, Baby, Go!" Or perhaps, "Go, Baby, Go See It!" What a phenomenal piece of Americana...or should I say Texicana? I wonder how well it plays outside of Texas, seeing that the profound Texan love of trucks is an impossible to describe phenomenon. I grew up in East Texas and I felt like they were interviewing people I've met many times before. Absolutely hilarious.
David-329 I have never laughed so hard while watching a film or cried while watching a film...before seeing Hands on a Hardbody. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but this was great film. It does for the pickup truck what the Bicycle Thief did for bicycles.
seren-4 This is a great movie that unfortunately qualifies as a documentary and thus will not get the huge viewing audience that it deserves. This movie doesn't try to push a moral angle on the audience and is hilarious without making fun of the participants. The only thing I wonder is, will non-Texans be as enthralled with it as I am. I truly believe so.
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