Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
NR | 05 October 2012 (USA)
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Trailers

Set against the backdrop of a UNSC military academy, a group of highborn cadets are training to be the next generation of soldiers in the UNSC’s ongoing war with insurrectionists in the outer colonial planets. Among these cadets, Thomas Lasky struggles with his doubts about this war, and with the burden of expectations he may not be able to carry. As Lasky comes to terms with his potential as a military leader, the terrifying alien alliance known as the Covenant arrives and turns his world upside down. Inspired by the Master Chief, he must decide what it means to be a hero.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sam Forrest Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn is one of the most useless things I've ever seen, not only is it boring, filled with bland acting, and painfully cringey dialogue, this movie has no reason to exist. The movie decides to try to justify its existence by saying it takes place before events of Halo 4, but it still doesn't make any sense. There really is no story in the film, it's everywhere for an hour and then tries to start things happening, even though there is no reason for it to happen, and Master Chief is shoehorned in, because unlike the characters we are given in the film, he is at least interesting, but not in this film. I wish I didn't have to say this, but Master Chief barely plays a part in the film, you can cut him out by cutting out one scene that makes him at least vulnerable in the film by one percent. With the characters, we spend 100 minutes of the film with them, so you might be wondering why you would do that, and there is no answer, cause these are one of the most boring and uninteresting characters I've ever had to watch, by the end of the film, not even the end during the film you don't remember their names, and the acting is atrocious, cookie cutter acting with awful dialogue that makes it sound like a Halo fan fiction, that's where it would belong in. As for the action, there is barely any action and that is a big problem if the drama sucks, take a film for example called Batman Begins, we have all seen it and we all know the action sucks, wither you think it is terrible or very outdated for the time, but what makes it is the drama between characters and what makes the story progress, but if drama sucks, action sucks, then you can't make a coherent story. I love Halo, from Combat Evolved to 4, and I wanted to give this film a chance, but I just can't. This is one of the most useless films I've spent time on, and I can't recommend it at all, please avoid this film at all times, it is not worth your time and not worth anyone else's.
dsalouk Halo 4; Forward Unto Dawn continues the trend every movie that has been adapted from a game has set; it fails incredibly. The director; Stewart Hendler, has shown that he has brought his unique type of direction to this movie, and in doing so, it has a poor structure, and incredibly poor acting. The chemistry between Thom Green and Anna Popplewell is unbelievable, and at times their dialogue is obviously scripted. The excitement of seeing the Chief himself was not enough to carry this movie that failed on most fronts. For a viewer watching this as a stand alone film, it is disappointing and lacklustre, however, if you're an avid Halo player, then maybe there is enough nostalgia and references to keep the tedious story afloat.
Hannah Armstrong The first time I watched Forward Unto Dawn, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. My only exposure to Halo media was the multiplayer function in Halo 2.Despite that, FUD presented me with a story that made me care about the characters, it gave me enough information to understand some of what was going on, but not enough that I felt like I knew everything -- which I'm assuming was the goal, as the perspective we're given is that of the cadets at this officers' academy who also don't know the full story either.Some might call the buildup 'slow' or 'boring', but as a storyteller I can appreciate taking the time for your viewers to make some kind of connection to the characters before you throw them into the action and the chaos.FUD did a very good job of introducing The Master Chief, easily the most iconic character in the Halo franchise. As said before, I knew absolutely nothing about Halo when I started out, but the Chief's first appearance still had me jumping in my seat. It was very exciting, because even I knew that was when it was about to get REAL.I enjoyed the final confrontation with the Hunters at the end, and the appearance of the iconic Halo theme in the background when Master Chief defeated the last one. It was very dramatic, but in a good way.I also liked the inclusion of the other two Spartan-IIs we see in FUD - Fred-104 and Kelly-087. While not given much screen time, it's a nice nod to people who have been fans for a lot longer, who would recognize them.My one qualm is the death of Cadet Silva, as its only purpose seemed to be to inspire Cadet Lasky. Maybe that was just me. My honest rating -- 9.5/10
SnoopyStyle The year is 2526. Thomas Lasky (Tom Green) struggles in training at the Corbulo Academy of Military Science on the planet Cirnicus-IV. He is a disappointment considering his illustrious military family. His only friend is fellow cadet Chyler Silva (Anna Popplewell). Humanity has ventured out to colonize other worlds. The big threat is expected to be colony insurrectionists. Then the planet is invaded by an alien army, the Covenant, which is kept secret from everybody except the higher ups.As a web mini-series, there is some good work with impressive F/X for the price. As a TV show, this is better than most Syfy channel work. It's more of an interesting road map of what a Halo TV show or movie could be. Tom Green is a relative newcomer. I've only seen him in a TV show called Camp. It's a different character with a completely different hair cut. Anna Popplewell is probably the only recognizable name and face. She does the only competent acting on the show. In the end, this is not about the acting or even the story. This is mostly a dry run to get the look, the style and the effects correct for something bigger later on. At least, that's the big hope for fans. Looking at what they have, I hope they dial back the shaky cam work. I also hope that they lose the slow-mo Michael Bay wannabe. This seems to be going for Battlestar Galactica and I think that's a good move. If they make a theatrical war movie, it's going to need more money, a lot more money. However I think there is a great horror movie available for a lot less cash.