Halloween Is Grinch Night
Halloween Is Grinch Night
| 29 October 1977 (USA)
Halloween Is Grinch Night Trailers

When the sour-sweet wind starts blowing again, the Whos retreat to their homes because they know the Grinch will soon be a'prowlin. Young Eukariah Who has to make a trip to the Euphemism (outhouse), when the wind blows him away to a confrontation with the gruesome Grinch. Eukariah decides that the Grinch must be stopped, so he faces his fears and confronts the Grinch and his spooks.

Alicia I love this movie so much
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rainey Dawn Parts of this special is really good and other parts are way too odd. It seems they could have created a better story than this one for the Halloween season but it's not a total snore either. The parts that are good are good - very visually stimulating!! Hans Conried did The Grinch's voice in this one... he's OK but does not have the menacing voice that Boris Karloff gave in his performance in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". I realize Karloff was Karloff and his voice is very hard to replace but I'm sure they could have found a voice more befitting of the Grinch in this Halloween Special than Conried's (his voice sound too nice).6/10
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) The Grinch meets Halloween. This does sound like an actually pretty good premise. The involvement of Dr. Seuss, Gerard Baldwin and Friz Freleng as well as many talented (voice) actors certainly offers more hope, but the outcome is a bit of a disappointment I must say. The main problem for me was that, unlike the title suggests, these 25 minutes felt a lot more about an annoying little kid with glasses (and his family) than about the Grinch. This movie here was made roughly 10 years after the very famous Christmas-themed short film about the Grinch and the latter will have its 60th anniversary soon. It is also superior to this one here. It has a bit of everything: comedy, drama, horror, family movie..., but sadly, it does not really deliver in one of these genres. The animation is pretty similar in terms of style and level to the 1966 movie I mentioned earlier, so it's not exactly a modern work for the late 1970s. Then again, this decade was fairly disappointing in terms of animated (short) movies anyway. This one here is no exception. Not recommended, not even during Halloween.
FilmFreak94 Halloween is Grinch Night takes place one evening when a 'sour-sweet wind' blows through Whoville and warns the Who's that the Grinch is coming down with his Paraphernelia Wagon from Mt.Crumpit to celebrate the much feared "Grinch Night." One boy, Euchariah is swept away by the wind and comes face to face with the Grinch himself. Now Euchariah must stall the Grinch until the wind dies down, even if he has to face the horrors in the Paraphernelia Wagon.Halloween is Grinch Night is surprisingly good. The length of the movie is only about 30 minutes but during that time there's at least more then 10 songs, which are all incredibly catchy. Most of them are describing what Grinch Night is, how nasty the Grinch is, even the Grinch sings a song. One song sung by Max, Grinch's dog, really surprised me due to how sad it is and how Max longs to get away from his terrible master.Unlike "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" there's a lot of dialogue in this special and the voice acting is very good. The most impressive comes from Hans Conried who voices The Grinch(and narrator). It's down right terrifying at times.The animation is also great with everything detailed in that classic Dr. Seuss style. The most impressive scene is when the Grinch opens the Paraphernelia Wagon. It's then when everything from your nightmares you had as a kid comes out at once. With scary visuals and scary lyrics sung by the one and only Thurl Ravenscroft, that scene is no doubt the best in the special.If you have kids or if you want to watch something to kill your time that's Halloween related, this special is for you. It's not as classic as How the Grinch Stole Christmas but it is nonetheless a good Halloween special.
Julia Arsenault (ja_kitty_71) Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love to have a good scare from watching a really good horror movie, or just watch a classic animated special like this one. I remember this special WAY back when I was a kid in elementary school, when it was on TV of course. But they don't show it on TV anymore now, along with The Halloween Tree, which is another favorite of mine and a few other favorites too. But I was lucky to order myself a copy from Amazon.ca.It's also a great film about facing your fears, like Ukaraiah did to save Whoville by jumping in The Grinch's wagon of spooks, to stall for time. Now that scene REALLY scared the hell out of me as a kid. I would like point the interesting critters of Punker's Pond. The Gree Grumps like pink cats living in tree stumps (I am a cat lover), but I wonder what does the bottom half of an Hakken-Krakke look like? a seal's body? or the body of an Plesiosaurus? well I don't know, but it never hurts to use your imagination.
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