R | 01 January 2004 (USA)
Half-Caste Trailers

A Half-Caste is a Human/Leopard hybrid believed to feast on unsuspecting Travelers, but after Bobby is found soaked in blood, the police think that he murdered his friends. After hearing tell of the half-caste, a half-leopard, half-man said to exist in the wilds of South Africa, four filmmakers set out on safari in search of the mysterious creature. But is the bloodthirsty beast real, or just the stuff of local legend?

AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
james_corck3 I swear, I had never seen such a bad movie as Half Caste is. Not only because it just makes no sense, is a huge piece of egolatry and self-confidence that makes me puke.Sebastian Apocada (in Spanish Apocada has a similar pronunciation to "apocado" which means "out of life and happiness") makes here a one man army movie thinking he is Sam Raimi or the boys who directed the Blair Witch project. This is the Blair Kittie project, with an expensive low budget.The story, a couple of American Filmmakers that go to Africa to make a documentary of the Half Caste, is just no-sense. The way of filming, inserting high speed shots with slow motion shots, just revolts your stomach more than the stupid lines (what the hell is that dialog about Bestiality?) or the lame performances. By the way, I don't believe this cast (or caste?) is American, they all look European to me.To finish this, just say that the filmmakers made an intelligent move about selling the movie. They put a fake award achievement (as most original film) and a nice cover (in Spain the cover had the Half caste image in negative), so I feel now unhappy, because I can't demand my 14 Euros back.
ghoulieguru In this horrible attempt at a Blair Witch mockumentary, a bunch of people go to Africa to investigate a creature called the Half-Caste. It's pretty obvious that there was no script to speak of, and that everything was improvised. That can work if you have good actors, which this film didn't. This movie tries to gain points for originality by exploring a more obscure myth and an exotic culture. As a result, there are a lot of scenes out in the bush where characters do "quirky African stuff" like eating elephant dung. There is also some pretty good footage of lions eating (from a National Geographic perspective) but there's not a single scare in the whole movie. If you've seen Cannibal Holocaust or the Blair Witch Project, this movie will hold no surprises for you, and you can probably watch better lion footage on the Discovery Channel.Definitely a Half- Aste effort. A note to the filmmakers: guys, do us all a favor and next time save the "How I spent my African Vacation" home movie for your family and close friends. Nobody else wants to see it.
tequila_mockingbird I want to just thrash and trash this movie. I really do. However, it has a few saving graces. Bear with me, since this movie was just not meant to ever be compared to the likes of "An American Werewolf in London", or "An American Werewolf in Paris", or even "Teen Wolf". This movie was made by a bunch of amateurs out to have fun.One, it's more fun than any reality show I've ever seen. Not saying much! But, it was actually funny in parts.It's lack of funding, acting ability, and direction wasn't enough to toss this movie in one swoop. Though, it's hanging over the waste basket by the gossamer strand of a daddy-longleg spider.Here's what keeps the movie from the blast furnace, for me:1) It didn't try to take itself seriously at all. It wasn't attempting to be considered a major contender. 2) I liked it better than any reality show or "The Blair Witch Project" combined. I know, a weak point. 3) It had some awesome African wildlife in it to enjoy. Which I did. Also, some of the countryside. 4) In some parts I was actually laughing with the film instead of at it. All through Blair Witch, I was laughing AT it, since it was trying to be serious and gritty. WHich Half-Caste was not.I gave it 5/10 stars for photography and amateur fun. Were it not for the real wildlife and scenery and light-hearted humor... there was nothing too great here and most will NOT like this film. Definitely anything having to do with the half-caste creature itself was too spectacular.
terryvacc Finally there is a thriller that's not in the woods and is somewhere creative like Africa. If you have a limited budget, you still can surround your story with a location that's exciting. I saw this movie at a screening in New York. Although the story did revolve around actors with cameras, I was really impressed with Africa, the people in the village and all the different animals. Yes I agree, it did have a scary lion attack too. They had an interesting African witch, which seemed too real to be an actor and African safari guides too. Most of them didn't speak English, which was better then a fake accent. Then they brought in the half human leopard which attacked all the people at night. The story has the Africans commenting on this creature and each had a story to tell. It worked for me, because everything in the location was real and an adventure. It was a thriller, but needed a little more horror....but it surely was a lot more creative then kids just running in the woods and crying into a flash light.