Hacking Democracy
Hacking Democracy
| 02 November 2006 (USA)
Hacking Democracy Trailers

Documentary film investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections. The technology is also increasingly being used across the world, including in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America. The film uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, votes in the trash, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.Ultimately proving our votes can be stolen without a trace "Hacking Democracy" culminates in the famous 'Hursti Hack'; a duel between the Diebold voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland - with America's democracy at stake.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
lordkhuzdul Aah, finally, a serious documentary (not the sensational conspiracy theory type American audiences seem to prefer) about the dangerous cracks in American democracy! Maybe, finally, it can get a few points across amongst the American audiences. I sincerely wish some similar people could do a documentary about what is really happening in Iraq. Then you would understand why the rest of the world is at best annoyed with, and at worst full of hatred against the United States.Wake up and smell the coffee, my American friends! Good morning to you from Middle East! You should clean up your own house before trying to bring 'freedom' and 'democracy' over here. You have a dirty kitchen, and thus, your brand of 'freedom and democracy' is not very healthy for us.So get up and start cleaning... and maybe we could have some peace and quiet over here while you're busy with that.
Cockeymofo76 Hacking Democracy, to me, comes way out of left field, so when my friend recommended I was skeptical but willing to watch. The movie introduces you to voting fraud via a mother and some very dedicated watchdogs. The movie takes you through the personal fight of these people and never ceases to provide the big-picture as well.Come to the movie with an open-mind and take the ride. The movie does a good job of not coming off as extreme or radical and constantly roots itself in the moment. The people who are fighting for a more open system are very easy to identify with, and overall the movie succeeds in its goals.Hacking Democracy takes an extreme position, but does it with Apple Pie. 10/10
mangioneart This movie is one of the most important movies of our times, and for generations to come. This movie exposes, and explains, what actually happened during the past two presidential elections. This movie should be required viewing for every civics class in every democratic country, especially the United States.One of the most disarming parts of the movie is the woman who leads the charge in exposing what can only be described as criminal fraud in an election. She does not look at all like a typical protester, actor, filmmaker, muckraker or investigator. But after you see what she does to further the cause of truth and democracy, you will agree that she is a heroine in the truest sense of the word. She is my hero.
Irishchic21489 I am a senior in high school and we watched Hacking Democracy in my government class. It's funny that we have a government class because even though the class is required by state law, the state gives no curriculum or work in our Government class. While i watched this movie i was blown away. What kind of people could over look such a huge glitch in, not only the voting machines, but in the U.S. Government system itself. I am very glad i watched this and everyone should see it. We are writing a reaction paper as an assignment that my teacher made up. Well, it's the most she could think of since she doesn't have any material to teach us. If you want your vote to count...i recommend the viewing of Hacking Democracy.