Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment
Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment
NC-17 | 04 September 1985 (USA)
Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment Trailers

A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
mikerlz This is quite easily the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I don't know how this has a reputation for being so horrible. The girl in the film is halfway smiling during most of the "torture," if you can call it that. I can't believe this was a serious attempt at horror.Oh no, they're spinning her in around in a chair! Oh, the humanity! She doesn't even make any noises for the last half of it. She's just sitting there as they pour a few maggots on a wound, and even when they shove a massive needle through her eyeball... not a peep.What was up with the sheep guts part? She screams as they lightly toss sheep organs onto her, but not a noise as they shove a needle through her eyeball. Seems pretty legit to me! I was expecting to see something that would haunt my dreams for weeks. Instead I'm laughing at how weak of an effort it is 10 minutes after watching.The second Guinea Pig (Flowers of Flesh and Blood) is 100 times more disturbing, but even that one isn't particularly awful. It took itself less seriously though, and even has a twisted kind of comic relief in the way the killer is wearing a samurai helmet, has a powdered white face, and fake half-rotten hillbilly teeth.There have been college dorm hazing rituals more awful than this lame film. If you want to laugh at something stupid, then sure give this film a try. Otherwise, just move along and find something else.
Witchfinder General 666 I am an avid fan of violent exploitation cinema, who would never attack a film for being violent or disturbing. I consider "Cannibal Holocaust" a masterpiece and will always defend controversial films like "Day Of The Woman" or "Last House on the Left" as genuine classics. Anyone who browses through my other user comments will notice that I am actually very pro-violence/gore when it comes to films. However, I do think that there should be at least some point to the violence. This piece of crap doesn't have any point whatsoever. The first film in the notorious "Guinea Pig" series, "The Devil's Experiment" (1985) is widely controversial, but, as opposed to many other controversial films, this stinker has nothing at all to be recommended for. I must say that, before seeing any of the Guniea-Pig films, I already had a feeling that I would hate this one, knowing what it was about. Due to its status as one of the most controversial films around, however, I decided I had to see it. I am very glad I didn't waste any money on this pile of crap, and I sure wish I hadn't wasted my time with it either.This thing's story (I don't even want to call it a 'film'): It doesn't have one. Three scumbags torture a woman to death for some excruciating 40 minutes. That's it. There is no artistic value, no 'shocking' story, no suspense; nothing. Simply the disbelief that a film that shows NOTHING except for a woman being tortured for no reason enjoys an enormous cult-following. It IS disturbing, I give it that. Of course it is disturbing to watch a torture video for 40 minutes. What is more disturbing, however, is the fact that many people actually seem to regard this pile of garbage as some kind of masterpiece. I really cannot figure why. The fact that the gore effects look realistic cannot be the reason, I hope. The girl who plays the victim isn't a very good actor, and reacts very calm to all the torture. That makes the film look less realistic, which is, in this single case, a good thing. This is a film that is sickening; not for its gore, but for its redundancy, its existence for the sole purpose of showing 40 minutes of torture.I strongly oppose any form of censorship. Since this is 100 per cent fake and nobody got hurt during its production, it is, of course, legitimate to make such a film. However, I cannot think of a single reason why anyone would like this, other than the morbid desire to watch suffering and the enjoyment of torture. This film's sequel "Flowers of Flesh and Blood" gained notoriety when actor Charlie Sheen mistook it for an actual snuff film and informed the FBI. Fortuneately, the film turned out to be fake. Overall, "The Devil's Experiment" is a fake torture/snuff film that seems to have the sole purpose of looking as close to a real snuff film as possible."The Devil's Experiment" is one of the worst films I have ever had the misfortune of sitting through. Don't torture yourself by giving this piece of crap a try for its controversial status. Do yourself a favor and avoid it.
gengar843 And yet you are also human. What do you reconcile? That you should follow the instincts of an animal? No good! Unless you have an abnormality, you can't turn off your mind from reflecting on what you've done. Or seen, as the case may be.If you continue to act like an animal, making that choice, you aren't an animal anymore, but a savage. An animal doesn't know. But a savage does. Primitive tribes are more like animals- they have nothing to compare. But we are living in, let us say, a more enlightened place where someone can at least tell you that you're acting like an animal.So, this film... it doesn't work. If you say it shows the human animal, you're mistaken. It shows the human savage. It depicts those from the enlightened world who know better making choices to be savage. There is nothing great here. Only that if the tables were turned, we the audience might cheer. And is that savage? Probably. But it would at least say that we're waiting to see justice done and not just peeking in on savagery, as if to say we're too cowardly to do it, but we don't mind seeing it and/or fantasizing about it.I didn't watch the whole thing. Why should I? I have no interest in anything but elevating myself further beyond animal behavior. Perhaps you're wondering if I would be savage myself if that girl were my daughter? Oh yes. I don't deny that I am as all humans, able to be savage. However, ask me if I would kidnap someone for this purpose- no, that's sick and, worse, devoid of humanity.I would recommend that this film be shown to judges before sentencing rapists, kidnappers, and serial killers. Maybe then we'd find a bit more justice and lot less tolerance for savages.
Leatherface911 Not that I tinkle myself with glee at the sight of realistic blood shed, but when I put a DVD in expecting a bloodbath, and what I get is one bloody scene (the eyeball) at the tail end of asinine fake slapping, and spinning in a desk chair, I end up thinking "well that's 43 minutes of my life gone forever." I wouldn't considers this or Flower of Flesh and Blood "movies" so much as an exercise of will; to see if you can sit through them. Flower of Flesh and Blood had a few tough spots to watch. The Devil's Experiment did not. It was at best, stupid, and at worst...well...really stupid. Perhaps my expectation were too high. I put the DVD thinking "oh man, this is gonna be sick." After watching them fake slap the girl about a thousand times, I was watching it in fast forward.Two kinds of people would be interested in this film. 1) People who seek out F'd up films just to see how F'd up it really is, or 2) horror completest. I sought this and the other Guinea Pig films for the latter reason, but even if I fell into the category of the former, this film wouldn't float my boat. As a matter of fact, I could imagine this film increasing one's blood in "WOULD YOU JUST KILL THE B*TCH ALREADY!!" So in conclusion, the only reason to own this film is for collection purposes. If you want carnage that traditional horror doesn't provide, get Traces of Death. Sure, that sucks too, but at least you'll get the blood and guts you expect.The only reason I can see for anyone praising this crap is because they feel they're supposed to. No artistic merit that I can comprehend, no reason for it's notoriety, no nothing. Just a lame attempt to be shocking.
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