Guaranteed on Delivery
Guaranteed on Delivery
R | 08 October 2002 (USA)
Guaranteed on Delivery Trailers

A lonely truck driver teams up with a retired security expert to derail a sophisticated white slave trafficking operation.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
utility_infielder For a movie that boasts starring David Carradine, Olivier Gruner and Jalal Merhi... It's actually not that bad.Merhi delivers his best performance (which isn't saying much) and gives the best fight scenes he's ever had on screen.Carradine is sleep-walking through the role, but is entertaining nonetheless. The guy has a presence that most action star these days would beg to have. And Gruner, well, he is decent. He doesn't throw a single kick or punch in the flick - can the guy even fight? - but he's acceptable as a villain. Nothing special.The real star was the director, who managed to make this an entertaining film despite the low budget. Props to him for making a pre-"Taken" movie before "Taken" even existed. This is a solid action flick with some really good fights and a decent storyline. It's worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre. I remember renting this on VHS when it came out and being quite surprised with it. So much so that I tracked down a DVD copy years later and watch it every now and then. It truly is one of the better direct-to-video action flicks of the time. And that's saying something with Merhi in the lead.
m4898 It's an action movie with the feel of a late 70's, or early 80's flick. There are no computer-generated special effects, no wire stunts, no grandiose mass destruction… much like early stuff from Chuck Norris, Van Damme, or Steven Seagal. Instead, it has equal parts realistic fighting, gun play and rugged American North-West road adventures. This movie came years before Jason Statham's "The Transporter", but the plots are eerily and suspiciously similar: Jalal Merhi stars as "Ray Stanton", an ex-cop, now working as security guard for a bank. When an attempted robbery leads to a violent gunfight that leaves Ray's wife dead, he loses his job and starts his own delivery service, transporting items that no other delivery services will touch. He soon finds that on one such run, the cargo is highly illegal, and his clients are international criminals. He also finds that they happen to also be responsible for his wife's death, years ago. Bent on revenge, Ray teams up with the retired boss from his old security guard company, to bring the murderers to justice. Olivier Gruner does not fight in this movie, but as a slick bad guy, he talks more than in all of his other movies combined… with his trademark European accent, of course. Justine Priestley does a memorable impression of Marilyn Monroe in a thong and a billowing white skirt, and David Carradine is his regular cool, professional self.
Wizard-8 ...and that's about all the positive stuff I can say about this movie. Actually, scratch even that, because the murky and dark photography make my city look horrible. Speaking of "horrible", that's what can be described about everything else in this movie. Jalal Merhi is horrible; not only is his acting bad (sometimes his accent makes it impossible to make out what he's saying), his martial arts sequences are unbelievably amateurish and boring. Olivier Gruner, on the other hand, gets NO opportunity to perform martial arts. Yes, they hired a martial arts actor, and NOT ONCE does he do any martial arts! David Carradine looks badly weathered and ill, sluggishly doing the little he's given. Though running just 90 minutes, I swear it felt more like 150. The movie is so slow, so boring, so uneventful that it soon became agony to watch. Even masochists would have a problem sitting through this. Even die-hard fans of Gruner or Carradine would be better off passing this up. As well as fans of Merhi - that is, if he has any left after the long string of absolutely awful movies he's made during his "acting" career.
Eccentric Brit Sometimes direct-to-video movies are hidden gems, but this is not one of them.(Mild spoilers follow regarding certain plot details.)Jalal Merhi plays a cop who then becomes a security guard who then becomes a truck driver who runs a service called Guaranteed on Delivery (G.O.D.). His latest job is to deliver a chest for some mysterious art dealer-types, which turns out to contain a tied-up woman. He helps her out, but from then on you'd be hard pushed to understand any of the motivations of the characters involved. Rather than contact the police, he decides to go through with the delivery. The reason: to earn a grand sum of $500, which will apparently solve all his financial problems. Also, the woman decides is quite happy to go with him and place her life in danger, even though his plan doesn't require the use of her services at all.One cliche after another follows, such as the fact that the art dealers just happened to be involved with the death of his wife years previously, the kidnapped relative who serves no other purpose in the movie (the bad guys don't even ask for a ransom, or give details of their location, yet the good guys somehow find them), the showdown between two guys with guns who decide to put them down to settle the dispute with their fists, blonde assassin chick in black leather, etc. etc. And there's also a pointless twist at the end which makes no sense.David Carradine and Oliver Gruner turn up in dull roles, very suited to a dull movie. If you see it in a rental store, and you've seen everything else, take my advice and walk out.Eccentric Brit rates it 2/10