| 01 January 2003 (USA)
Greendale Trailers

Neil Young's "musical novel", telling the story of a family, the murder of a cop and the evolution of a young girl named Sun Green. This is not a concert film. YOung himself shot actors on locations on his native Northern California home turf to craete his Greendale, a rural town that is a microcosm of a world in crisis. There is lots of music featured by Young and Crazy Horse. Special bonus features include "Making of" with brand new interviews with Neil and the cast; also 3 live performances of "Greendale" songs, more.

EarDelightBase Waste of Money.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
crojas-4 My commentary has nothing to do with the political sentiments found in the film. In fact, they're quite congruent with mine. What gets me is the fact that in terms of a movie, it is stupid and devoid of any semblance of story, motive or dialogue. Maybe someone should tell Neal that substituting lyrics of songs which are failing to inspire anyone outside of a dwindling audience isn't the same thing as creating characters who are motivated to speak because of events created by the writer or director. A silly narrative remains as such despite the iconic legacy of Neal Young. The most childish scene is the one where the devil dances his way into a bar, slips a tonic to an unsuspecting hero, who then finds his way onto the dance floor to mouth the words to Young song to the heroine, who is unaware of what's taken place. Somehow these two dream up a scheme where they will go up the West Coast in search of????? Sorry Neal, stick with music and leave film making to Steven Stills.
crystal075-1 I turned this on last night, fully intending to watch something else within the half hour. I had no idea what it was about or that it was a Neil Young musical. It did exactly what Neil Young's music has always done for me, start me off slow and suck me right in. By the end I could NOT sit down, I had to get up and dance. Great theme, wonderful message, terrific music. I can't wait to see it again. The filming itself was well done, a kind of perfected 8mm which reminded me of the era in which the director and myself were raised. I'm encouraging all my friends to see this, and already planning a group viewing.
turkeyb I realize how it is with fans and super-fans. They love their artist and wish to find anything good or redeeming in their latest work. Even when it isn't really there. I've loved Neil's music since the olden days, yet I was not very entertained by this movie.The music was essentially a one-off. He went into a studio with Crazy Horse (minus Pancho) and just dashed off a bunch of songs, recorded them, done. This has worked well for him on some of his past record albums, but all the electric songs sound the same here, and not really very good at all by NY-CH standards. The acoustic tune "What You Were Looking For" is OK, and the electric finisher "Be The River" is rousing and enjoyable (in large part thanks to the kids doing the chorus refrain).The Story? It's there if you pay close attention, but I soon found myself not caring enough to try. As I felt that he didn't care enough either.
bob3078 Let me preface this commentary by saying that i don't care about lighting, sound, technique or acting skills. I just go by what moves me.This film moved me. It's message (which in my opinion is the most important part of a film) was beautiful. You might have to watch it twice to catch all the nuances. But worth itPerhaps, or most likely a lot, of people will not like this movie, but who cares about people that care about the wayans brothers. Certainly not me. Another thing you should keep in mind when watching this movie is that all the actors are friends of Neil Young, they are not professional actors and shouldn't be judged as such. Just keep looking for the message. It's also funny and more importantly, makes you think a little. And heaven forbid that we do that in this country.