Green Guys
Green Guys
| 22 November 2011 (USA)
Green Guys Trailers

Four young con artists start a top-secret money laundering scheme - and are slowly torn apart by their own greed and corruption.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
mocha1919 This film was much better than expected. I watched this because I'm a stock broker and love movies like Wall Street but honestly I wasn't expecting much because I haven't seen any marketing for this film. However, I ended up really enjoying it and highly recommend it.The actors brought the broker world to life and the dialog was spot on with a lot of the logistics. The writing was tight and skillfully written, although there were a lot of f words.The shots were always interesting, which reminded me of early Scorsese or Francis Ford Coppola. It's a film you should check out if you're interested in finance.
filmbrat12 I love any film with Kris Lemche but he delivers one of the best performances of the year with this indie IMO. Green Guys seems to be completely overlooked by critics this year probably due to its straight to DVD release. However, I see this film gaining a cult audience due to some standout performances and a great script. Lemche seems to be channeling something from deep within when taking on his role and all of his dialogue seems very real. The shots were always cool and unique, and I appreciate that in films because nowadays studio movies all look the same way.I recommend this film for people that enjoy indies, and want to see some fantastic acting, especially by Lemche, who I consider to be one of the most underrated actors working today.
Floated2 I got to see this film by a few fliers and links sent to me by (good site, check it out if you can). And I thought the film was actually well done. Ignore the other lone review on IMDb (written by user howlswolf). The user doesn't justify the film clearly and what he wrote really doesn't sound at all like even saw the film.The film is about four group of friends whom are Wall Street investors investing in a big investment but what they don't know is that they invest in a drug lord in Mexico and things don't seem to take its place as they see it. Green Guys has a good vibe to it and it does remind one of past gritty crime dramas/thrillers. It's filled with good acting and sharp dialogue (including a quite hilarious metaphorical speech given by the drug lord about his gun! and other clever witty quotable one-liner throughout). The performances were all pretty good by the four main leads, but in my opinion Billy (Christopher Redman) stole the show and most of the scenes he was in (especially two in particular- without giving too much away, one hilarious scene where he does a bizarre kidnapping- around the 65th min, and a great speech towards the end of the film). His character was to me the most intriguing and I was interested in what he was saying. Described to be the most vulnerable of the bunch with an inner nerd who seems to want to conquer the world. The quietest and shyest of the bunch. The lead of the film Travis (Kris Lemche) was also great, as the leader of the crew- usually an unpredictable or slimy hot head but was always looking for ways to achieve what they were doing. The other two guys- Andrew (David J. Phillips) and Levi (Darrel Davenport) were also complementary. All in all they each had some special moments and scenes which they stole. And I think that is what was great about this film. Also the camera work was actually really well done and it seemed top notch (this always helps when watching films). So Congrats to that.The characters were interesting and we the audience got to see different sides of them. Very character driven film as it shows the true meaning to brotherhood and friendship. The film really takes off about 40 mins left because of a disastrous business meeting. From their I think the film really kicks in another gear and it ends nicely. The film doesn't have a MPAA rating but it would definitely be equivalent to an R rating (for pervasive language- about 165+ F-words). A lot of cursing but it fits well and very little violence. One not so great thing about the film is that it is a little anti-climatic. At many moments you expect something big to happen, then it skips to a next scene. Though I think the ending was pretty good (could have been extended) as it was unpredictable and I was left with suspense. I would definitely recommend those watching it. It may surprise you. Currently many haven't seen it as it only has 25 votes with a rating of 7.
howlswolf *Edited* Well i guess i have to add more details now that people are pointing fingers... this movie was really bad, and yes i watched it from beginning to end, even pausing it, to make sure i didn't miss anything when i needed to step away. Clearly i should have let it roll since there was nothing to miss.Quote from Floated2 **The film is about four group of friends whom are Wall Street investors investing in a big investment but what they don't know is that they invest in a drug lord in Mexico and things don't seem to take its place as they see it. Green Guys has a good vibe to it and it does remind one of past gritty crime dramas/thrillers.**Well Mr Floated2, you clearly didn't take time to watch the movie properly, since they did know he was a drug Lord before even flying there for the first time, Travis (Kris Lemche) explained how he meet him when they are on the roof and straight out says that "Tan'el Garcia happened to run the largest drug operation in Mexico"(at 12min) And Tan'el Garcia is the one investing money with them, not the other way around...There was no characters development, no plot development, no intrigue, and nothing surprising in this movie. Pretty much all development during the movie are dead-end. They do not change anything, and do not add anything to the movie that can be characterized as important piece of information worth the time. The Mexican drug Lord could have been any other villain, the fact that he his Mexican or a drug lord did not come into play in the movie. The floor manager scene is another dead-end, other than showing that their scam is starting to have some leaks, its a total waist of time.**End Edit**This movie wasn't the best to say the least, mainly because of a poor script, and poor directing. The plot missed originality and any kind of thrill.The plot fail short to deliver any kind of punch, and every scene felt like they've been cut short, like the director couldn't finish his statement.The acting wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, it was missing some polishing, it felt like not enough takes were made to get that more than OK shot.Multiple times past halfway through i though about stopping the movie, but i kept hopping for some kind of development or grand finally that never came.