R | 23 July 2006 (USA)
Greed Trailers

Raven (Darlena Tejeiro) and Ashley (Andrea Bogart), two young women returning from a rock-climbing expedition, find themselves harassed by a group of bikers at a dusty bar in the desert. With surprise and guile on their side, the girls escape by stealing the leader's bike. Within minutes the furious biker gang is in hot pursuit through the hazardous terrain. Believing they have evaded the bikers, the girls discover a satchel of cash on their damaged bike and stumble across the desert to a small motel. The owner, Ned (Joe Goodrich), has agreed to drive them into town when suddenly the bikers appear, and they're looking for payback and the money.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarecrow-88 Raven(Darlena Tejeiro) & Ashley(Andrea Bogart)just stopped into a bar after hiking a nearby mountain and run into a nasty group of bikers led by TJ(Thomas Crnkovich who overplays the raspy voice and just doesn't provide much menace as the head biker of a band of motorcycle baddies). Stealing one of the gang's motorcycles, Raven and Ashley get run off the road and have to walk on foot after evading the bikers trying to catch them. They found a money bag containing stolen loot which belongs to the sheriff(the corrupt sheriff who gets a cut of a stolen 300 thousand lifted from a location not specified). At a decrepit flea-bag inn, they catch a few zzzz's before TJ and his gang run up on the owner of the establishment, Ned(Joe Goodrich)and his employee, Doug(Stephen Ferguson). TJ wants his loot and Ned decides the money should line his pockets so a shoot-out presumes. What none of the characters know is that an escaped loony, nicknamed the "Axeman"(Tim Sitarz)is on the rampage chopping anyone to pieces he comes in contact with. You have the owner of a bar, Robert(Jason London)who also conspired with Ned for the money. Everyone, including the heroines, want that damn money which results in nearly an entire cast wasted until a few survivors remain.Ivan, The Axeman is a ridiculous unstoppable killing machine who is stabbed numerous times, shot in the back numerous times, pinned to a stone wall by a truck going really fast, & even falls off a mountain..yet, he still keeps coming! London is dreadful as Robert, the turncoat who seems friendly and courteous but is anything but. In a minor sub-plot, we follow the sheriff(Nathan Anderson;the one looking for the loot that is supposed to be his share)and Ivan's psychologist, Margaret(Fiona Loewi)as they are trying to find Ivan. Bogart is smokin' as Ashley, wearing barely little(exposing her incredibly sculpted figure)and Tejeiro as the main heroine Raven is quite cut as well. They are VERY easy on the eyes and might provide enough motivation to waste your time. No-budget stinker with poorly staged axe-murders. Most hilarious scene..Raven and Ashley, driving a station wagon, can not outrun Ivan who is chasing them on a four-wheeler!
Lord-of-Delusion That's what you get with this movie. That's about all you get with this movie. I am not kidding when I say that two damsels in distress get harassed at a dive bar by a gang (leather jackets, motor-huckle boots, you name it) that has driven up to the bar. On dirt bikes! A hahahahahahahaha! Oh man, I have to give credit where it's due, because when this scene unfolded before my eyes, it was the equivalent of cinemtic masturbatory bliss! I have never laughed so hard in my life! Oh, you also get ATV chases, more dirt bikes, rock climbing, and some escaped ape of a dude who goes around "axing" people. Seriously, if you have somehow stumbled upon the hell which is this movie, watch it just for that scene alone. You'll dig it, man! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
beatfu Well, if so, have I got a film for you! Actually, even you won't like it. Because this movie is bad. Not bad like week old milk, bad like genocide. Bad like finding out that everyone you have ever loved was murdered by your dog because you gave it rabies. Bad like the Hantavirus.I hope that gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. I can deal with crappy movies. I can watch underworld 2, so I'm pretty immune to it, but this movie takes crap to a whole new level. First off, the "Main Characters" are mentally deficient ex-porn actresses who happen to ride motorcycles. Or rock climb. Or, I don't know, flirt with each other. That's all they really seem to do. They meet and become fast friends. Then these 90 pound girls insult some bikers. "Action" ensues. Basically, you find out that these girls will steal money, but not motorcycles, because they walk to a hotel. From there they spend the rest of the movie with pretty much no clothes on.There is horror in this movie, but it's more from the realization that those hillbillies from the beginning were probably related then from the actual story. There is an escaped blah blah blah, evil, blah, scary, blah, probably cries himself to sleep at night. He has a bad nickname. He kills with axes, or whatever is presented to him. He survives being hit by a car. He is just big. That's how scary he is. Big. Right.So, he chases them, they try to get some money from some bar tenders and hillbillies, they run from bikers. A cop sleeps with a councilor while she leaves the kids at home. All while being painfully aware of their own level of incredible cheese. The actors, minus that one guy who you kind of recognize, are not actors at all. They are the retarded droppings of a Los Angeles nightclub; in other words, they all worked in the "Independent Film" industry before this. Or, at least, they wish they had the talent to work in the "Independent Film" industry. They are so bad.Combine this with some of the most horrible script, directing, "music", and action scenes ever created, along with the fact that the story is complete tripe, and you get one of the worst movies ever made. Ever. In the entire history of movies. Do not watch it. Do not look at it. Go home and burn a piece of paper with the name of the movie on it in effigy, and then bathe yourself for even associating with the title of this piece of crap.
darkstar-8 so bad it hurts I guess that people go in life assuming certain things, in this case I can clearly believe this was supposed to be a "serial killer" movie but then in turns out it has also a gang of ruthless bikers (on motocross bikes), a chick who could be a fat version of Denise Richards and how makes funny faces running in her underwear, some great lines like "reedem yourself" and I keep asking why in the hell is Jason London in the movie *hell* I will offer him a better project. This is the kind of movies that makes me wonder that this film is just a complete waste of at least my time, anyway at least I got paid