Grave Misconduct
Grave Misconduct
| 01 November 2008 (USA)
Grave Misconduct Trailers

A fledgling mystery writer sees an opportunity to advance her career after the death of a novelist/friend but faces dire consequences when a series of vicious murders occur that seem to implicate her.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** Far out TV movie about this shadowy serial killer who murders his victims, all in the book publishing business, and makes the crimes look like suicides. It was the aspiring writer Julia London, Crystal Brnard, who set this psycho off in getting her book the best selling "Grave Misconduct" out to the public who were just crazy about it. In fact "Grave Misconduct" wasn't written by Julia at all but her good friend and confidant Angela Drown, Diane Robin, who gave her the manuscript to proof-read and edit. Angela ended up murdered before Julia could bring the manuscript back to her and with Julia having to meet a deadline with her publisher at Gordon McGuire Publishing Margo Lawrance, Roxanne Heart, the next day she made as if she wrote it herself! Sure enough great things started to happen to Julia after the book was published some good and some bad but the bad was by far the worst of the two.It seemed that someone very much disliked Julia's book and in revenge took it out on all her writer friends who for some insane reason he felt was responsible in her having it published! There was a very important clue to who this psycho was early in the movie when this crazy man, Bart McCarthy, crashed a book signing party that Julia and her friends were part off. It later came out that the crazy man was in fact in the same mental institution, which he seemed to have just escaped from, that the killer was confined in! But the only way he could recognize the killer is in how he wrote not how he looked! Crazy isn't it!****SPOILERS**** Afrter a number of murders that were made to look like suicide by the killer part time mystery writer and full time police detective Baxter Kyle, Dorian Havewood, who's also a good friend of Julia finally got the killers number or his secret identity. This guy, the killer, turned out to be a truly #1 triple AAA nut-case who really lost it after trying to be normal when Julia's book came out. In fact he lost it a lot earlier by murdering someone in order to steal his identity as well as Anela Drown for taking his not her manuscript and giving it to her friend Julia to read and later publish!With everyone involved in the book "Grave Misconduct" dead and buried the killer now went after Julia whom he was saving for last! Forcing Julia to write a suicide note that he wanted to be well structured and grammatically perfect, which she kept messing up, gave Det. Kayle all the time he needed to stop the murderous nut-job for doing her in. In fact it was Julia who drew first blood in running through, with the knife she freed herself with, the crazed psychopath before help in the person of Det. Kyle arrived! It was Det.Kyle who finally put the killer's murder spree to an end with a bullet to his gut!
Chris Hardaman First off, this is marginally better than Shark Swarm, which was penned by the same duo of Chernov and Rosiak. I don't know how many chances an unknown writer will get in this business, but these guys are burning all of their chances right out of the gate. To summarize, this film is awful. I saw it on Lifetime a week ago and had a lot of trouble sitting through it. The writers make many of the same fatal errors that doomed their other efforts. They don't develop any of the characters and the ideas and actions of all involved are thoughtless and cliché'd. Grave Misconduct was a movie marketed to women and shown on a women's cable channel. Even so, it didn't have to be this bad.I give this a 1, but it is better than Shark Swarm. These are just very amateur films made without a hint of passion, logic, or talent.