Good Luck
Good Luck
| 07 March 1997 (USA)
Good Luck Trailers

Bernard "Bern" Lemly (Gregory Hines) is fed up with being in a wheelchair and wants more out of life. Meanwhile, former football player Tony "Ole" Olezniak (Vincent D'Onofrio) is stewing after recently losing his sight. The men soon realize they can put their frustrated energy to good use by competing in a whitewater rafting race on Oregon's Rouge River. In the process, they discover their disabilities don't have to destroy their dreams.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
bilborough64 I have a difficult time giving a summary because one can't summarize a good movie in a couple of words.The first thing I want to warn sensitive people out there that there is a lot of crass male humor. I have 3 brothers so I know. Second, there is a lot of foul language. Sometimes it is a bit much, other times it fits in perfect.The story is simple enough. Bernard Lemley(Gregory Hines) is a disabled man and he is angry. He is tired of being treated like half of a man just because he is in a wheel chair. He decides to enter a river rafting contest, but has no partner. That's when he meets Tony "Olee" Olezniak(Vincent D'Onofrio) who is angry as well. He is angry at the world because he is blind. Olee was just remanded to jail for destroying a man's car. He is also full of self-pity, what Lemley liked to call "pigs---". Olezniak was a pro running back for the Seattle Seahawks when a freak accident caused him to loose his sight. Lemley offers Olee the chance to participate in the race. Olee notes the fact that "I am blind, asshole." Lemley then attacks what is left of Olee's ego and Olee agrees to accompany Lemley on his journey in a specially fitted van. Thus the adventure begins.This movie is really one-sided. It chronicles the return of Olee's self-esteem and confidence. It shows that Olee is really terrified of the world and the changes he can't see coming. Lemley tales Olee on the journey of his life by making and breaking plans on a moments notice. Lemley had decided that he wasn't going to be afraid of anything.What can I say about these two actors. Hines and D'Onofrio had fantastic chemistry. The movie was a joy to watch. I do feel sorry for D'Onofrio for having to carry Hines everywhere. There is a third addition to their chemistry and was the character of "Farmer John" (Max Gail)John was an Oregan pot grower who with his sons were passionate about football. Though no one recognized Olee anymore John and his sons did.This is an uplifting movie and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys good guy, feel good movies.Laura
dtegtmeier51 This is a fabulous "feel good" movie. I've probably watched this a dozen times and it's still a favorite to pop in the DVD when company comes calling. This movie never got the publicity it deserved so it's pretty much a surprise when I play it for guests. Then, everyone wants a copy. I probably would never have heard of it myself if my mom hadn't been an extra in it and (unlike one of the previous comments) she loved every minute of the experience - as well as the finished product. Part of it was filmed in Winchester Bay, Oregon where my mom had a gift shop. I love hearing all the "inside" stories she tells such as when she was on the outside patio in direct line of sight of the scene being filmed in the bar. She was under a light which highlighted her flaming red hair and it stood out too much in the scene. The director yelled "cut", then "kill the red hair"! At first, she thought he said "kill the red-head"!
Kfirst A very funny, laugh-out-loud movie. I checked Vincent D'Onofrio's credits after seeing this movie and realize I have seen him so many times in very good roles but this film really showcased his comedic talent. Good Luck told a good story about two totally different guys who really aren't so different after all. They captured the essence of how to give meaning back to your life, when you don't think things are going the way you thought they would. Don't miss this - it's one of the good ones out there! 3 out of 4.
skydragon I have to say, this movie made me laugh out loud several times...something I seldom do. I was working on a film with Vincent D'Onofrio...and because, only because I was curious to see what else he'd done, did I rent the video. The women at the video store gave me a print-out of his previous work. "Good Luck", is not a title that would have interested me at all if I'd been browsing. The next day, on the set of Steal This Movie, I mentioned to Vincent that I'd seen the movie. He asked me what I thought and I told him...great film, the title sucks. He laughed. Now I see here, that they must be struggling with the same issue. Also called, "Ox and the Eye" and "Guys Like Us"...two other brilliant titles (tongue planted firmly in cheek!). I suggest that you see this movie...and I'd also suggest that they re-name and re-release. What a shame for such a nice piece of work to swirl down the toilet because the title is not only bad...but has little feel of the film's energy.