Good for Nothing
Good for Nothing
R | 09 May 2012 (USA)
Good for Nothing Trailers

GOOD FOR NOTHING is an adventurous romp set in the sweeping Old West from Mike Wallis in his directorial debut. Inspired by the Spaghetti Westerns and celebrating the Western genre with an interesting twist, the film follows an odd romance and the resulting emotional confusion of an outlaw who reluctantly develops strong feelings for a woman he has kidnapped.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
vchimpanzee Isabella and Miss Parsons (am I remembering that right? There's no name even similar to that in the cast list) are two proper English ladies traveling through the American West on a train with a great-looking and great-sounding steam engine. Although the older woman points out this is no place for a lady, when the train arrives at Isabella's destination in the middle of nowhere, she assures Isabella that the men who came to pick her up are her uncle's best employees. Isabella's father just died, and she lost her mother long ago, so her uncle's ranch is the only place for her to go.But she doesn't make it there. The men take her to a bar, where a villain shoots them and takes her captive, while the others in the bar just sit there like nothing happened. The villain tries to rape Isabella but then mysteriously stops and just ties her up. He goes into town and what happens next is very funny. And then Isabella gets loose, and with her clothes in tatters, people in town think she is a hooker. She goes to the jail and the prisoner in the cell is hilarious. I only wish we had seen more of him. But then the villain takes Isabella again, shooting those who stand in his way as usual.Harry's brother puts together a posse. Some of the men don't think it is worth the money to risk their lives, so there is a bonus for killing the hooker. The villain still has a problem to solve, so as he was advised to do, he visits a Chinese mining camp. With hilarious results. Meanwhile, Isabella is starting to have feelings other than hate for the man, and the man is nicer to Isabella. Eventually, they have a meaningful conversation about their pasts. And they visit an Indian medicine man--again, with funny results. The posse isn't having much luck because the tracker is incompetent.The ending is satisfying but quite unexpected. It is, in fact, the very definition of ironic. But there is a complete story.I wasn't expecting this to be so funny, but the TiVo listings did show it as a comedy first. Actually, this isn't that funny a lot of the time, and it is somewhat violent (though not unusually so for a Western) and unsettling. To enjoy it, you have to be willing to tolerate a sick sense of humor. Also, the sound went out a lot and characters' mouths were covered in many cases when this happened.Cohen Holloway as the unnamed villain does quite a good job. He isn't merely the monster he appears to be at the start, but someone who has feelings. Just because he shoots everyone in sight doesn't mean he can't be redeemed.Isabella is quite pretty and, despite her shock at how different the American West is after apparently having a privileged life, she is tough and determined. And even caring, despite how mean her kidnapper has been.And I don't know his name, but the actor playing the prisoner is hilarious.Other good performances come from actors playing Indians and Chinese.And let's not forget how pretty the American West can be. Even if it's actually New Zealand. And the music is great--Latin guitar, regular guitar (not smooth jazz exactly, but close), and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.It's an unusual Western to be sure, and worth seeing.
daleg-251-42916 What a great little movie, though I say "little" only because it's obviously an independent that seems to have missed much attention. I highly recommend it. The story is handled very, very well and the two lead actors bowled me over, especially since one appears to spend more time behind the camera than in front of it. That should really change!Others have described the plot and the nice use of humor, although it never becomes camp. By the end, I was surprised to be reminded of The Earthling. Earthling has a very different style and topic, but they share the same kind of depth and impact by the end.Of more recent films, I was also reminded of Meeker's Cutoff. Both were set, more or less, in the old west and provided an authentic feel that just felt right.
Tony Heck "This is not the place you read about in books, this is no place for a lady." Isabella Montgomery (Rademeyer) is new to town. Against everyone's wishes she moved and wishes to start her life in the wild western town. While out on her own a cowboy (Holloway) sees her and attempts to have his way with her. Frustrated when he isn't able to, he decides to kidnap her and keep her until he is able to function again. This is another in the long list of unimpressive and drawn out westerns. I'm not sure what happened to this genre but why is it so hard to make a good one anymore? Unlike most of the recent entries this one isn't really cheesy, just seems to have no point. The closest I can come to thinking what the plot is is a cowboy tries to rape a strange woman...then they start to fall in love. Not really sure what else was going on but I was really bored with this one. I am still waiting for a good western to come out. To me "Open Range" was the last good one. Overall, drawn out and boring, much like the last 10 or so westerns that have come out. I give it a C-.
Batmanispierce Good For Nothing has the potential to become one of the greatest cult westerns of the 21st century! Cohen Holloway comes forward out of the woodwork to bring a stunning performance as the rough outlaw 'The Man.' Cohen leads the movie with his silent, almost grim, posture which is matched only by Clint Eastwood as the Man with No Name. Inge Rademeyer, who plays a proper English woman, creates a character that is wonderfully unique while maintaining her realism. The story line is a wonderful story about 'the Man,' who suffers from erectile dysfunction, and must cross across the American Old West to try to find a cure. The scenery of the movie is fantastic, using the wonderful landscape which is New Zealand. What might be the greatest feature of this movie is the wonderful score, written by John Psathas and performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. With all these factors combine you get a great western movie.