Goliath Awaits
Goliath Awaits
| 11 November 1981 (USA)
Goliath Awaits Trailers

During World War II the passenger liner "Goliath" is sunk by a German submarine. Portions of the ship's hull remain airtight, and some of the passengers and crew survive. Over the decades they build a rigidly regulated society completely isolated from the surface world, until in contemporary times a diving team begins to explore the wreck.

Steineded How sad is this?
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
moofyieman When I saw this mini-series in 1981 I was very young and it made a real impact on me. The idea of a ship that sunk 42 years ago (1981-1939) and still had survivors is a great idea for a movie, or mini-series in this case. As a viewer you have to buy a lot of unbelievable stuff to still enjoy it. First the enormous pressure at a depth of 300 meters to which the ship sank in matter of minutes. Somehow this pressure was no issue for all the people aboard but for the divers in 1981 it was because they have to compress and decompress for days! Then somehow the ship didn't leak at all at this depth and didn't so after 42 years in saltwater! Air, drink water, food and electricity made possible by the genius leader of the survivors. If you buy in to that, you are set to go. Oh, and there are the bow people who can survive by stealing from the others for years despite being hunted down with guns. How difficult would it be to just bar the entrances to the bow? Then, nobody - NOBODY- is happy to see the divers after 42 years. The leaders OK, they have their little empire to lose, but the hundreds of people who are treated as slaves? No cheers, laughs, clapping or happiness at all? And the first two questions what comes to mind, -who won the war and how is this rescue mission going to be organized- are addressed only after a day or so.BUT, as a film lover you must have a flexible mind and then a very interesting en nice story will unfold. If some producer would remake this movie, it surely must address the plausibility I wrote above. The story of people stranded together making a new society with all the good and bad human qualities is worth any storytelling. Therefore it is after 35 still a good story to tell and to watch with good actors like a young Mark Harmon and Christopher Lee.
Tom I recently watched this movie again for the first time in 20 years! I purchased a VHS tape of the movie on Ebay for around 14 dollars.I first watched this movie when I was 11 years old. I remember my buddy and me were laughing all the way through it. Needless, not much has changed in 20 years! The movie quickly opens up with the Mark Harmon character investigating the wrecked ship when he sees a very beautiful woman peer though a small portal window. Some how he manages to convince the US Navy that he is not mad and that he actually saw a woman inside the ship! Thus, a full blown research dive unfolds! The Christopher Lee character is simply funny! I kept waiting for him to pull out a light saber and go mad! What really cracks me up is all the shooting of guns inside the hull? Did anyone think about a bullet piercing the weak frail hull under 1000 feet of water? I don't need to explain what would happens next if a round pierced the hull. Even more funny are all the sun tans the survivors have. None of em have pale skin and they look like they all got back from a vacation in the Florida Keys. The knock out blow for the movie revolves around the "Hitler" like society the survivors made for themselves.... all led by the Christopher Lee Character.... In addition, the Mark Harmon character is simply awful! He screams and hollers throughout the movie... and I just couldn't stand him! Never the less, this movie makes a nice addition to my collection. It's worth a good view, but I doubt I'll revisit this movie anytime soon. Ah yes.... "happy days are hear again... da da da blah blah blah"
ladyice0024 It just baffles me that they lived down there. I think that it would be kinda hard seeing that they are under water and it seems that it is surprising that the ship hasn't decade or just went and just gave way to the water pressure. It is also surprising that the people didn't just die down there with out the proper medical equipment. Plus that the other people from below the main part of the ship never wanted to live with the rest of the people. I just don't see how any one could handle being under the ocean for that long without any kind of wanting to get back to the real world instead of staying where they are. Plus it is also surprising that the little kids never wanted to know about life outside of the ship and also what the world is bigger then any what they are use to.
xeresa This was the film that first introduced me to the actor, Duncan Regehr, who played the leader of the Bow people. His performance and that of Christopher Lee as the conflicted leader of the sunken Goliath were the only bright spots in this sci-fi thriller. It could have been a great picture for the idea was fascinating, but the writing was heavy-handed. Even such top-notched character actors as Jeanette Nolan, John McIntire,John Carradine, and Jean Marsh were hampered by the insipid dialogue. I love Frank Gorshin but his performance here was a comic book caricature and unworthy of him. Both Mark Harmon and Emma Samms were pretty to look at, but bland. Duncan Regehr came across as sexy and powerful, and one of the film's implausibilities was that the heroine would prefer Mark Harmon over him! Duncan Regehr and Christopher Lee, were the only actors who gave a three-dimensional performance to what was written as one-dimensional characters. Still it's not a bad picture-- it is a interesting picture, but not a compelling one!