Going Home
Going Home
| 01 January 1944 (USA)
Going Home Trailers

Pvt. Snafu's unit suffers the consequences of blabbing military secrets while on leave at home.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Michael_Elliott Going Home (1944) *** (out of 4) This War Department short warns soldiers of the dangers of going home and running their mouths. Private Snafu gets to go home where he begins talking to anyone who will listen to him. He talks about certainly classified material and before you know it several American soldiers are dead. GOING HOME is one of the better entries in the series as it's highly entertaining on a number of levels including the fact that there's some adult material here. Just check out the dame in the theater who Snafu runs his mouth to. The sexual innuendo with her rather large boobs was obviously something that general audiences at the time wouldn't have been able to see. Once again the animation is extremely good and especially one scene where we see Japan get leveled. Fans of the series are certainly going to enjoy the humor as well as the dark ending.
TheLittleSongbird Not one of the best of the Private Snafu series, Spies and Booby Traps are my personal favourites but it is certainly worth watching. There are funnier Snafu cartoons around, by all means it is still fun and amusing but Snafu over-explaining things gets a bit too much, and there are others also in the series that are more daring and have more energy. The animation flows very smoothly though and looks good even now, while the music is lush and lively with good use of pre-existing tunes. Going Home may not be the funniest Private Snafu cartoon around but the humour still succeeds thanks to the witty rhyming dialogue and narration and never-less-than-amusing visual gags. If you are familiar with the formula the series adopts, all revolving around Snafu's ineptness in the army, the story isn't going to hold that many surprises but it's hardly tired or dull and it handles its serious message admirably, laying it on too thick or poking too much fun at it were very easy traps to fall into and Going Home manages to avoid both of them. Snafu as ever is endearing and lots of fun to watch and the narration entertains and teaches, good chemistry between the two too. Frank Graham fills the narrator role beautifully and even better is the versatile and always consistent Mel Blanc, making Snafu a hugely entertaining character as well as a touchingly likable one. All in all, there are better cartoons in the Private Snafu series but Going Home is solid stuff still. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Robert Reynolds This is part of a series of training films featuring Private Snafu, the worst excuse for a soldier ever. There will be spoilers ahead:The Private Snafu shorts were made with the intent to train soldiers in proper behavior by showing them the worst possible behavior from a moron in uniform, one Private Snafu.In this short, Snafu returns to Podunk, a wide spot in the road, to a hero's welcome. Clearly, his home town doesn't realize what an idiot he is! He proceeds to violate all security protocols to blab everything he knows, to make himself look like an important man.Of course, there will inevitably be consequences to his inability to keep his trap shut. This being a training film designed to drive home a point, the consequences manifest themselves by the end of the short.As is typical, Snafu is clueless as to his own part in the fiasco which unfolds and he receives his just desserts. This short is available on various DVD collections of the Snafu shorts and is well worth seeing. Recommended.
Tweekums This animated short was one of many featuring the character Pvt. Snafu made by Warner Brothers for the US War Department during the Second World War as training tools. They were meant to teach soldiers the right thing to do by showing them the wrong thing! Here Snafu is back home on leave and it isn't long before he is telling his family, his girlfriend, his barman, barber and anybody in earshot just what his unit has been up to. This includes details of their locations, strengths and weaknesses. He also tells of a new super weapon... and it was this that got the film shelved as the military thought it bore a resemblance to the atom bomb and that was obviously too secret to even joke about.While this isn't as funny as Warner Brother's shorts that were made for public consumption it has plenty of chuckles tucked in to the serious message... a great way to get the troops to want to see a training film and remember its content... even if this one wasn't shown the intention was there. The way he tells detail after detail does get a little stale but there are still enough laughs to make this worth watching.