Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts
Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts
| 07 September 2007 (USA)
Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts Trailers

Scott Hicks documents an eventful year in the career and personal life of distinguished Western classical composer Philip Glass as he interacts with a number of friends and collaborators, who include Chuck Close, Ravi Shankar, and Martin Scorsese.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
PodBill Just what I expected
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
takk924 I thought the same as the above commenter--Glass is a great composer but not an interesting person (something that often happens with artists--it all goes into the work) until I heard him speak the following evening and he was perfectly interesting...because he was talking about MUSIC--something the director forgot to ask him about in the film. This is one of the most superficial biographical films I've seen, two hours of tedium, watching Glass make pizza, play with his kids, practice t'ai chi etc. his wife giving away her Internet password--while the music dipped in and out in tiny snippets. Glass deserves much much better.
Jane Brownrigg In July 2005, Australian filmmaker Scott Hicks started shooting a documentary about the composer Philip Glass to celebrate his 70th birthday in 2007. Over the next 18 months, Hicks filmed Philip across three continents - from his annual ride on the Coney Island "Cyclone" roller coaster, to the world premiere of his new opera in Germany and in performance with a didgeridoo virtuoso Mark Atkins in Australia. Born in Baltimore, Glass discovered music as he worked in his father's radio store. Hicks documents his early studies and the somewhat precocious formation of his own ensemble to make certain his unusual compositions had a chance to find an audience. The 12 parts of the film focus on different aspects of Glass's work and both public and private worlds. The rapport Hicks developed over the prolonged shoot is indicated by candid conversations in which Glass addresses the off-camera Hicks. This rapport results in an affectionate and intimate portrait of Glass. A recent visitor to Melbourne to perform Book of Longing, his collaboration with Leonard Cohen, Glass's works include opera, theater pieces, dance, film and song. Fan's of Glass's music will love this film and it offers a wonderful introduction for strangers to his oeuvre.
ametaphysicalshark I have a huge level of respect and admiration for Philip Glass' musical ability and own a significant portion of his work, most of which makes for great listening, but the man himself really isn't very interesting. He has no secrets, which would be fine if there was anything interesting here. The bottom line is that he's a man devoted to his work, who has an organic, natural musical ability, and a tendency to switch between women and religions like television channels. There's moments where he's really interesting, and for the most part he's affable and fun to watch, but this film, in spite of its mosaic-like structure, is a film about someone whose music is far more interesting than they are. Hicks' cinematography is excellent, but the film is so superficial and bland that I find it amazing to think that anyone was particularly affected by it. There are twelve parts to the film, I'd say about five of those were entertaining.4/10
joshie-bee I am not a fan of documentaries and having no idea who Philip Glass was nor where to find the cinema I arrived unprejudiced and just on time at the theatre. Scott Hicks' ability to capture very emotional moments ("what is your computer password?'s FRANKIE") and to bond film with music ("bababababababa") combined with superb editing left a full house stunned with impressions at the end of the movie. The movie, like a mosaic, became more and more compelling with every act and piece of information added. Personally, the message that was most moving was the thought of a musical genius, flamboyant and eccentric at times, loving and caring at heart, unable to communicate deeper emotions to his loved ones, somewhat isolated through his talent in a 21st century environment...Thank you Mr. Hicks for creating an outstanding movie that inspires people to think!