Gladiators 7
Gladiators 7
| 11 October 1962 (USA)
Gladiators 7 Trailers

Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
BaronBl00d As far as sword and sandal movies go, Gladiators 7 is acceptable. It has a relatively fast-paced zip, some interesting sets and costumes, some bad yet not horrible acting, and loads of action - the primary reason anyone is watching this in the first place. The story deals with Darius from Sparta, having beaten a slew of Roman adversaries in the arena in Rome and being spared for his fighting abilities, going back home to find his father dead and a new, villainous ruler in place(his name sounded like Yaba?). Anyway, Darius returns home and finds soldiers out to kill him so he enlists the aid of six former gladiator-friends - very much like the fashion seen in The Magnificent Seven or The Seven Samurai - only not nearly as convincing in either of those great classics. I will confess that some of the gladiator actors were pretty decent and humour is laced liberally throughout the film. The film does, as aforementioned, have some pretty good action scenes, some big fights, and a couple beauties(though we so see oh too little from either). Again, as sword and sandal films go, this one is not all that bad.
MARIO GAUCI Although only a few days have elapsed since I've watched this one, I've already forgotten practically everything about it – as my memories of the film seem to have melted into all the other peplums I've been watching of late! Obviously, from the title one can gather that it's basically a transposition of the SEVEN SAMURAI (1954)/THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960) plot to the Roman Empire – and the rating suggests that I found it to be a middle-of-the-road peplum, not very good perhaps but not especially bad either. Richard Harrison is the lead here and, while he may not have much range as an actor, at least he's not as wooden as Dan Vadis; as a matter of fact, over the last week, I've watched two films – and both, incidentally, turned out to be more or less of the same quality – by either of these Euro-stars. I do recall, however, that the print utilized for the DVD transfer of GLADIATORS SEVEN was perhaps the best of all the English-dubbed peplums I rented and, surprisingly enough, it was presented in the correct aspect ratio (unlike the majority of the titles, which were available only in horrendous pan-and-scan editions).
dbborroughs Darius, son of of the king of Sparta is thrown into the arena for allowing five gladiators to escape. Fighting and winning a huge victory he is freed. Returning home he finds his father dead, supposedly a suicide, but really murdered by the new King. Rounding up the gladiators he helped escape he fights to get back his throne. This is a good movie. It starts and goes right to the end with no side trips. Even the romance which normally handled badly in most films of this type doesn't intrude, although it isn't really resolved either. Its the perfect rainy day film where everything simply works.
sep1051 I wasn't that interested in the "gladiator" genre but recently bought a DVD compilation - how could I go wrong with four movies for $4.99! The first movie was bad, the second better and finally the last, Gladiators Seven, turned out to be quite interesting. It benefited from what was clearly the highest budget featuring multiple scenic locations in great color. The title, while descriptive of the plot, also seems to be derivative of the Seven Samurai and The Magnificant Seven. A freed gladiator (Richard Harrison) returns to Sparta to find his father killed and his girlfriend (Loredana Nusciak) in the hands of the evil and lustful ruler (Jose Marco Devo). The gladiator gathers six collegues to take on the ruler's army. The scenes of him gathering the gladiators one by one will clearly remind you of the previous movies. Richard Harrison is not an expressive actor and his performance here remains wooden. However, from an opening arena battle onwards, he is good in most of the action sequences. However the other gladiators are all colorful characters and overshadow Harrison's acting in all the scenes. Even with dubbed dialog they convey individuality. There is a stong under current of humor and they often dispatch their enemies in a humorous manner. The movie is fast paced and speeds by effortlessly. All in all a very pleasant surprise.