Give Me Your Soul...
Give Me Your Soul...
| 16 June 2000 (USA)
Give Me Your Soul... Trailers

A snapshot of the porn industry in the San Fernando Valley focusing on a handful of people: Luke Ford, a reporter who breaks the industry's gentlemen's agreement and writes about actors who have HIV/AIDS; Kimberley Jade, a veteran actress who contracts AIDS; Katie June, who arrives in Los Angeles from the South, going on 20, with dreams of becoming a porn star and with her mother's approval; Jim South, who runs a talent agency; and, William Margold, an aging factotum. Others appear on camera to round out a portrait of a busy industry that's lucrative for some and dangerous for others.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Eyebe Peisthoff Upon the first 20 minutes of the film I got the sense it was being a little uneven in it's portrayal of the subjects at hand.After the second 20 minutes it seemed quite biased.By the end of the film it became clear this was a hatchet job of the porn business. It will show many an actor smiling only to project foreboding music chords over them in an attempt to spin the atmosphere. (spoiler) The very end of the film includes title cards explaining the current status of many of the people depicted in the doc. Their tone is clearly contemptuous in nature- betraying the antagonistic state of mind of the film's director.The porn industry certainly isn't perfect- but this film takes an unfair swipe at it.
Michael_Elliott Give Me Your Soul... (2000) *** (out of 4) Documentary takes a look inside the porn business is pretty standard stuff and nothing new is brought up here so it gets rather old pretty quickly. You get the typical questions of why a girl would end up working here and the same dumb answers are usually given. I also love the fact that these women enjoy putting down hookers, strippers or various other sexual jobs. You also learn that women make more than men and that the business can eat your soul up. Everything in this doc has been covered before but you might find this interesting if you've never seen anything else.
troym72 I would really like to own this movie, however, I can't find it anywhere. Can anyone post a comment that tells me where I can find it? Thanks!I thought the movie is a compelling and a revealing look into the American pornography industry.Many girls get into this business thinking they are becoming stars and not realizing that they will be used to make money and thrown out on the street by the time they are 30.I think this movie should be shown to every girl who graduates high-school and decides to become a stripper.
Craig Whyel It certainly was an ambitious effort though there was a heavy-handed effort at making the industry a little too sad.It would have been better served with a little more balance-not everyone who enters the business gets sucked up and spat out by it. In truth, all industries do that-when they are done with you-you are out. Some handle it better than others.I most enjoyed William Margold, and Kimberly Jade. They seemed to be the most straight-forward of the crowd of those interviewed.Of all the "names" listed as uncredited, none of those (who seemed to be successful at life in general, reasonably happy with their choice of work-despite the controversial nature of it)persons, perhaps with the exception of Randy West, and Richard Pacheco, had any sort of interview time.Like all lines of work, some have a good life with what they do while others allow themselves to get destroyed by it.Of the slew of documentaries on this subject, I've seen better.If you are curious about this industry, I suggest watching it. Not great but not bad either.I just got a little impatient with the attempts to paint the participants in a certain light.