Girls Gone Dead
Girls Gone Dead
R | 28 March 2012 (USA)
Girls Gone Dead Trailers

A group of six ex-high school cheerleaders are stalked by a killer with a medieval war hammer and battle axe during their first Spring Break from college.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
McQualude Were this made in the 80's during the height of the slasher craze it might have been considered mediocre; 30 years later we've had Scream, Scary Movie, Jason and Pinhead have both gone in space and if you're going to make a slasher you better bring something fresh or else wallow in the genre but Girls Gone Dead never rises beyond wannabe. The best parts are the opening scene which is somewhat tense, intriguing and full of nudity; and the credits which show outtakes. Everything between is simply someone's lazy excuse to get a lot of women in bikinis (or less) with a pitiful protagonist who randomly kills people for Sin! The blood and gore make up is passable, at times even gross, and the girls are fairly attractive though no show stoppers. The story attempts some pathetic humor, one girl's dad lets her have a beach house for Spring Break but the ditsy girls (eventually) realize it is part of a retirement community and there isn't much partying that doesn't involve Karaoke or shuffleboard. A group of dorky hunks on their way to Daytona Beach stop at the local watering hole and decide to set aside their Spring Break plans to party with the girls. Even though they are apparently only miles away from Daytona beach it never occurs to any of them to simply drive there and join the fun. The rest is too pointless to describe but suffice to say a masked monk shows up to slaughter sinners for The Lord. Girls Gone Dead is a very, very, long hour and half that is better spent stabbing yourself with a fork. Oh, and there are quite a few Saved By The Bell references for fans of that show.
Josh Morgan Caught this one on Netflix and was more than pleasantly surprised. However - based upon the divided love-it-or-hate-it comments on there and the low rating on here - it's a shame to see today's generation can't seem to have fun with the type of movies I grew up on. This is a nice throwback to stuff like the "Sorority House Massacre" series - with lots of in-jokes (check out the names from "Saved By the Bell" - or a direct reference to "Halloween" in the first pool scene - or even Linnea Quigley applying make-up ala "Night of the Demons"). This movie delivers lots of cheesy gore effects (I mean that in the best possible way) - and has a great B movie cast full of horror veterans (B and C grade); washed up celebrities and up-and coming names from bigger flicks (I knew I recognized the dumb girl of the group - she had a substantial role in "Sex Drive"). Even the drummer from Iron Maiden shows up to sing country (stay through the closing credits).Scrolling through reviews on here - I saw one person complain this movie was intentionally bad - and would have been better played straight. I couldn't agree less. Most of the films this is throwing back to did the same thing; so this keeps the general tone to that of other camp classics. Good news is - the production team actually worked on making a nice looking movie - with a moving camera and solid sound mix - so; unlike most low-budget dreck I weed through - the production values add as opposed to detract from the end product.If you like stuff with campy dialog; exploitive nudity and buckets of over-the-top gore - definitely check this out. If you don't - move on.On a side note - the reason for such a high rating are for three scenes in particular. One involves the midget from Howard Stern - the other is a nice joke on MC Hammer during the bar sequence - and the biggest of all is how the killer is taken down. These moments alone are B movie gold and worthy of a replay.The biggest negative is the film sinks a bit under it's own length - showing that sometimes there is too much of a good thing - but aside from this little caveat - here's a B movie treasure that delivers.
snakes3992 The movie is about under-age adults partying, and stuff, until a monk with a war-hammer decides to kill them for a religious thing from worshiping God. This movie was pretty fun to watch, sure the acting is not that good, but like I said, in slasher movies, when you're playing as person that gets killed, you don't have to act, only the killer has to act the role, and I got to say, the killer was a pretty intense killer. The film is really entertaining to watch, the script was good, the plot was okay, but it's still a fun movie to watch, oh if one of you are Christians, you may not want to watch this movie, because the Christians in this movie are insane, and the movie sometimes makes fun of them, so yeah if you are Christians, you might get offended by this movie, but if you love fun slasher movies, this is the movie for you.
warsystem04 I'll admit that I originally decided to watch "Girls Gone Dead" because Sal and Beetlejuice of The Howard Stern Show fame are in it, and I've been BIG FAN of the show and especially Beet since adolescence. For what it is, this movie is actually pretty well done, and of course, entertaining. The cast is outrageous, and in addition to the Stern favorites mentioned above, professional wrestler Jerry Lawler and the legendary Ron Jeremey are both in it as well.A group of girls get together to spend spring break at one of their parents' summer home, and proceed to get wasted, meet a group of guys, run into a stalker ex, and get killed off one by one. The gore is plentiful, with the slayings at the mansion where the massive spring break filming party is taking place being among the best. The movie is also propelled along by the massive amount of eye candy, with almost every scene featuring girls in swimwear or topless. The reveal of the killer, the motive, and the overall blatant anti-religious message is pretty humorous as well.Of course, this is no masterpiece of cinema, but it isn't trying to be. I like that while never taking itself seriously, it still comes off as a watchable homage to the golden age of slasher flicks. Throw this one on with a group of friends, it's a lot of fun.