Girls Are for Loving
Girls Are for Loving
R | 25 May 1973 (USA)
Girls Are for Loving Trailers

Two women who like control face each other in a battle over jealousy and weaknesses. The US is about to sign a trade treaty with an Asian country; in exchange for friendly relations, the US will loan the Asians money to purchase US goods under contract. Evil siren Ronnie St. Clair tries various ways to find out which US companies will get these contracts, so that she can do some inside trading to make money on the stock market. The CIA hires gun-carrying, man-eating chanteuse and stripper, Ginger MacAllister, to put a stop to Miss St. Clair’s plan. Ginger and her CIA contact, Clay Boyer, an African-American, are attracted to each other. Will they live to ignite this spark?

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
gridoon2018 Ginger has been taking martial arts classes! Well, she's still a beginner, but the leap forward in her fighting abilities is already hugely noticeable. It's like watching a different character between "Ginger" and "Girls Are For Loving" - and I mean that as a compliment for the latter. Other new elements in this film that separate it from its predecessors are a female main villain, who brings an interesting new dynamic between her and Ginger as both of them are not used to being challenged by other women, an interracial romance for Ginger, and a plot with more emphasis on politics and economy rather than a simple "abduct girls and use them as sex slaves" story. "Girls Are For Loving" is not a great film - it suffers from the usual pacing problems of the series; all three films feel twice as long as they are - but it is easily the best of this trilogy, and the only one I am likely to rewatch sometime soon. ** out of 4.
christopher-underwood The third of the 'Ginger' series and the one that had all the money spent on it. For much of it's length this is a cheap, crap Bond wannabe. But it also wants to have it's gutsy, attractive star, Cheri Caffaro naked most of the time (when dressed she has a different costume every time) and it also wants to be a bondage movie. So, along the often tedious way but especially during the more concentrated last half an hour we get lots of tying up culminating, it has to be said, in a couple of super naked spread eagle tie downs. Even that is not all. Our bound girls are told by the other (on both occasions) that they will be raped whilst in this restricted position AND that they will not be able to resist enjoying it. I cannot recall another film where this idea of women trying NOT to enjoy the forced act is made so explicit. The fact that with the role reversal revenge we get it all again with exactly the same connotations rams home the point (as you might say)!
julian kennedy Girls are for Loving: 4/10: The Ginger films have always been well…different. An acquired taste if you will. An acquired bad taste in particular. The rap against the first two Ginger films (besides the obvious fact that they are misogynistic in the extreme) is that if you took away the sadism, bondage, rape and acres of young nubile flesh on display you would have a pretty bad movie. This is completely true and as if to prove this fact Girls are for Loving removes the sadism, rape and nubile young flesh completely and is half hearted at best about bondage. So what we have left is one of the most confusing an inept action films I have ever seen.Sure there is nudity from the two stars (Cherri Caffaro and Jocelyne Peters) and while the ladies aren't quite ready to make up half the Golden Girls sitcom even Mr. Magoo wouldn't mistake them for nubile. (One suspects Caffaro demanded that the producers not allow any naked women less attractive than her after being horrible upstaged by the delicious Jennifer Brooks in her last outing The Abductors. This might also explain why the audience is also forced to sit through not one two entire songs sung by Caffaro in a Las Vegas style review.) The plot is about as silly as you can get. The bad guys fight like a combination of the Special Olympics and a zombie movie running at half speed. The explosions are half hearted .The sex scenes are... hold on what's the opposite of erotic. The film is shot in that Hart to Hart style of bad seventies television drama.On the plus side Timothy Brown isn't a bad male lead/action hero and there is a Kelsey Grammar look-alike that brought me much mirth. But this simply doesn't feel like a real Ginger movie. Towards the end of the film the villain captures the ambassador's nubile daughter so the government will give her stock tips (I told you the plot is silly) anyhow in the last two Ginger movies this nineteen-year old beauty would be stripped, whipped and god knows what else. Instead she is released unmolested and fully clothed. Caffaro, for the umpteenth time, however is tied naked to a table. Which would work better if she didn't look like someone's mom.
dinky-4 It's hard to decide which is more disturbing. That the makers of this movie actually thought viewers could be tricked into believing leading lady Cheri Caffero is beautiful, glamorous, and sophisticated, or that they actually believed it themselves. One doesn't know whether to cringe or laugh at the results.Surprisingly, the movie does have a bright spot of sorts. The movie begins when a "fourth assistant undersecretary" named "Steve" is stripped and kidnapped with his girlfriend from an A-frame house. The girlfriend is promptly shot dead but Steve is beat-up, questioned, and eventually executed by the evil Ms. St. Clair. The actor playing "Steve" is H-O-T yet he's not even listed in the movie's end credits. Who is this guy?The worst scene? So many choices, but the prize must go to Cheri Caffero's nightclub number when -- swathed in a cocoon of blue feathers -- she tries to sing and look sexy at the same time.