Ghost Town
Ghost Town
| 24 October 2009 (USA)
Ghost Town Trailers

Reb Halland, who lives in the era of Wild West, has made a deal with the devil to gain immortality alog with his gang. Preacher McCready is trying to protect the small town by placing five totems around the town in the shape of pinnacle. One day, an collector passes by the town and sees one of the totems pinned to the earth and he decides to take it. When the man takes the totem out of ground Halland and his gang arrives and start killing everyone. The film moves to the present day when a group of college students driving back home from another city after a debate contest suddenly find themselves at this town. Soon they start to be murdered one by one, and it will be up to them to find the secret of this town and destroy Halland and his gang.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lawbolisted Powerful
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jennifer (LadySailor1975) Normally, cable TV movies are lousy and too predictable. I will be honest, I originally watched this solely because Billy Drago is in my Top Five list of absolute favorite actors. I love him! In this movie, a busload of college students on the way home from a sports event and a debate match is suddenly on a dirt road and leads into a ghost town from the Wild West. They at first believe it is one of these life-size museums that teaches tourists and field trip kids about how people lived then OR one of these haunted-house theme parks. However, they soon realize it is not either of these places and find that there are ghosts of five outlaws (four men and one woman) who had killed the entire population back in the Wild West era. Now they return every thirteen years to kill anyone who gets trapped. The more they kill people, the stronger they become. The students die off, one-by-one, until the last few figure out what to do and are able to break the curse. As the last three leave the town, one of the totems that broke the curse burns away. This may be insinuating a sequel, but this has not happened.I found this a good movie, especially for those who scare easily since this is not a "super-scary" one. It is moderately scary, but it's one that I can watch right before going to sleep with no nightmares. I recorded it on my DVD recorder and watch it at times and always on Halloween. (I have several movies for Halloween watching).I do wish SyFy would put this on DVD. They did with that awful Sharknado movie, but not this much-better than that movie.The actors were mixed; some were good actors and some were awful actors. The special effects were quite good. Despite a few plot holes, it can be enjoyable. It is a good Saturday night "there-is-nothing-on-TV-to-watch" movie. Or it can be a good one to watch on Halloween or on a night you want a little chill in your spine.Even if this were a lousy and bad movie, Billy Drago makes anything watchable.
darkenchantment-1 another good billy drago film everyone here seems like idiots, they've never seen a low budget horror movie flick and are not custom ed to how they are made...guys go back and watch your little twilight films, and let us enjoy B-movie horrors...i don't know what you guys were expecting, but you've clearly out your league.effects are good, and i love the town at night, it looks really spooky. drago is back playing a familiar cowboy role, he always looks good as one... he was great in 7 mummies, copperhead, tremors 4, and now this... the best part of the film for me, is when all the ghosts show up at the same time on horseback, riding towards the cast, loved the way it was all shot...
FlashCallahan Preacher McCready is trying to protect the small town by placing five totems around the town in the shape of pinnacle.a collector passes by the town and sees one of the totems pinned to the earth and he decides to take it.When the man takes the totem out of ground Halland and his gang arrives and start killing everyone.move to the present day when a group of college students driving back home from another city after a debate contest suddenly find themselves at this town.Soon they start to be killed one by one, and it will be up to them to find the secret of this town and destroy Halland and his gang...wanted to see this film just for Drago, and see if he still had that bad to the bone style he had in The Untouchables and Delta Force, sadly, he's hardly in the film, and when he is, very poor CGI covers much of him.This film fails on many levels. Characters you don't care for, bad acting, boring set pieces, and poor narrative.The synopsis makes it sound like a camp goofy b-movie.there has to be a better devil worshipping dead cowboy movie??
MartianOctocretr5 The opening set-up isn't bad. An Old West town in 1866 is invaded by some ruthless gunslingers, who just happen to be cultists. An out gunned sheriff, and a minister stand in their way, winding up with bullet holes in their chests along with everybody else in town. The dying Christian minister, who (ready?) practices Wickan beliefs (hey, I didn't write this thing) leaves a message in blood on a window. Finally, the cultists shoot themselves.Then the film disintegrates. Modern day: noisy teens arguing. On a bus. You'll know exactly the order of deaths from how stupid they each act in this scene. The ghosts make the bus and everybody's cell phones stop working. How come ghosts from the 19th Century always seem to understand modern technology? Soon, the old smooching couple in a hayloft getting attacked routine becomes the first cliché. There's a lot of jabbering about pentagrams, Friday 13th, and other stuff, but not much point to why it's all happening. The only reasons I could see for the ghosts' wanting to blast everybody would be either: 1) the teens were transparent one dimensional characters that were simply annoying, and/or 2) most of the cast sorely needed acting lessons. Whatever their reason was, these ghosts kill creatively; one guy even meets his end spitting up motor oil.There's enough weirdness in this to make it an OK watch. But don't expect a whole lot from it.