Ghost Rock
Ghost Rock
| 08 June 2004 (USA)
Ghost Rock Trailers

Set in 1882, John Slaughter and his sidekick Savannah Starr return to a town where an almost forgotten massacre took place 20 years ago. They are determined to find the man responsible.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
FightingWesterner A white Kung Fu bounty hunter Michael Worth returns to his hometown of Ghost Rock to find it controlled by a group of sleazy villains led by mayor Gary Busy (in an amusing performance) who revel in terrorizing an innocent Chinese family.Despite some moments of extreme corniness, like the beautiful blonde aping Sharon Stone in The Quick And The Dead (in turn aping Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter) and the dance hall girl who invents the lap-dance, it's all pretty unpretentious fun with lots of familiar faces like Adrienne Barbeau, Rance Howard, James Hong, and Jeff Fahey hanging around.A snappy pace, decent photography, a bit of gratuitous nudity, and some spirited dialog help make this a watchable if not inspired B-flick.
tarhealer This poor excuse for a western missed out all the way around: terrible acting, awful editing, and a miserable excuse for any originality in the plot. Shades of "Once Upon a Time in the West" and a half-dozen other far better horse operas. It has absolutely no redeeming social value, not even the half-hearted efforts at soft porn. I started watching it because Gary Bussey and Annette Barbeaux were listed in the cast, but even their appearances couldn't save it. They must really have been hard up for acting (?) jobs! The lines they were given to read were so trite and corny as to induce severe nausea. I kept waiting for something unexpected (read interesting) to happen, but nothing ever materialized.
comeonirene Maybe i was watching another movie, but the movie i saw had jokes, sex, and some cool martial arts moves. I didn't pick this movie for sex scene or to get off on it, i saw the cover and through it would be cool. And i even bought it, the lead actor is cool guy i seen him in other movies. This is the kind of movie you get from blockbuster or the library when you just seen everything else and you need a change. I can't wait to see the TV series when it comes out. I think you should have a open mind when seeing any movie and watch it twice because you always miss something when you first see it.:)
wh08117-1 When I saw that Gary Busey was in this movie, I had to see it. I knew it would be bad, but I did not know how bad. This movie was bad, and not in a funny way. Gary Busey plays the mayor of a little Western town, and his job is to maintain order while a group of Chinese railroad workers and locals fight for control. There was so much fighting in this movie that it was hard to keep track of the reasons. The fighting was also matrix style, and it was kung fu. Gary Busey was not the only horrible actor in this movie, everyone involved was equally nauseating. I had to turn the movie off after an hour. The worst part is that I had this movie in my home for almost a week.