Ghost Fever
Ghost Fever
PG | 27 March 1987 (USA)
Ghost Fever Trailers

Two policeman are sent on a routine assignment to serve an eviction notice. It becomes anything but run-of-the-mill when they become involved in the ghostly happenings.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Janessa Ghost Fever is one of the greatest "awesomely bad" movies of all time. If you go into watching this movie thinking, "This should be good", prepare to be fantastically disappointed. I remember watching this movie as a kid on HBO. Nothing entertained as much as the "invisible man" dancing in the Grand Ballroom. Sherman Hemsley is definitely the stand-out in the movie. I love his sarcasm and frank humor. The only thing I don't like about the movie is the main antagonist (Beauregard Lee) turning into a vampire at the end. They could have left it out and it would have been a perfectly bad movie. It gets an absolute ten from me, for it's humor and nostalgia.
miooolre I agree with many other here that this movie is SOOOOOO BAD it is good. You will laugh unintentionally at the horrible trainwreck this movie is. Its shot badly, acted badly and the "script" is atrocious. They tried to jump on the Ghostbusters bandwagon but there are sequences in here that will make your jaw drop to the floor and then your jaw will try and leave the room. The break dancing scene is truly memorable and yes, lots of "groin" jokes. Wow!! There is also a long boxing subplot that comes out of nowhere. It is deathly unfunny. And horribly done. All the effects are lame. But....A great bad 1980s disaster. Just the kind of thing those recent great Slate podcasts highlight!
Thomas Beekers This movie is só incredibly unfunny it makes any man want to cry, the cliché are put on thicker than 5-year old peanut butter and in such a way that it actually sucks humour out of your heart, every single joke was badly timed and wouldn't have been funny if it were timed correctly.Don't see this movie, there's a real chance you'll never be able to enjoy going to comedies again...ever.
Bbluelava This movie is a pretty good movie, despite its pour visual effects. When I was little my brother and I would watch this movie all the time. It was scary and also funny to us - - at the time that is. It is still a pretty funny movie, but just not as scary. I suggest that if you have a free weekend you rent this movie. It will not disappoint you.