| 12 March 2013 (USA)
Germ Trailers

The military's attempt to shoot down an orbiting satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic on a remote, small town. Deputy Max Brody and his girlfriend Brooke must battle their way through an army of infected townsfolk and soldiers as they struggle to save themselves and their loved ones from a horrible, early death. When cannibalism is contagious, will even the strong survive?

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
darad I don't know how anyone who wasn't paid off had anything honestly positive to say about this movie. Supposedly there's a Forest fire started from a satellite that was shot down for what reason, I don't know. You never see a fire, only smoke that looks like a barbecue nearby. Using the old stand by over used plot, the crashed satellite unleashes a germ turning people into you guessed it, flesh eating zombies! Before you even consider wasting your time, take my word and put on anything else, even a plain old light bulb or perhaps find quality entertainment looking up at the ceiling and counting specks. I've found the back of my eyelids would have been a better alternative.Thanks to the success of "The Walking Dead" a slew of cheap rip-off zombie movies are coming out quicker than zombies out of Atlanta's woods. This is about at the very low end of that bunch. It's not exciting, scary or interesting, only annoying because it lures you in thinking maybe, just maybe you might see something different. Well, you don't.
trentpatterson518 Tried to watch this one, but talk about boring. It takes 40 minutes before anything happens. There are not really any likable characters in this film, because there is really no character development. As for the special effects, if you can catch any, are bad. It cuts away anytime someone would get shot or bitten so you never really see anything. Acting seems forced and not natural, not that it should be expected as Oscar material. All in all I wouldn't recommend this, the film cover is deceiving. I would generally stay away from any low budget zombie flick, some are good but the majority are awful. **/10. Stick with George Romero's films. Which contain plenty of gore and great special effects.
Seb A satellite crashes bringing with it a virus that turns people into people chomping cannibals. All of this takes place around a sleepy small American town protected by a very young deputy sheriff.I thought it was a pretty good movie, or at least a nice fast moving one most of the time. There's plenty of action and the effects were pretty good and so was the acting.The camera work is annoying in places though. For some reason it wobbles around wildly when two people are talking but is steady in the action scenes. In some scenes actors nearly vanish off the screen for lack of a tripod.There's also all that military hardware just sat around as scenery. I would have thought a dozen or so soldiers would give a horde of zombies a run for its money, it's a shame we weren't shown that or more of the hazmat guys freaking out about the situation.Well nobody likes a long review so I'll just say I liked it and if you like zombie movies and that kind of thing this is a pretty entertaining movie and definitely improves from its shaky opening.
vlwaldo-679-715885 I thought it was a very good movie, I recommend it to anyone that likes Zombie movies. With the title "Germ" I was not sure what to expect. But it is not your typical Zombie movie where people come back from the dead. But they do infect each other by a bite. And yes they eat people, Gross. I would have given it 10 stars but how I feel about a movie is much determined by the ending. And I hated the way it ended. But looking back I guess it does leave it open to make another movie. That would be nice because they left many loose ends. Many questions. At any rate, I give it a thumbs up I would watch it again, I can't say that about to many movies. So take a chance an watch it.