| 22 December 1968 (USA)
Gerimis Trailers

Kamal, Azman, Bakhtiar and Tijah are the children of Musyid the wealthy businessman. Kamal normally spends most of his time drawing portraits. One day he came to know night club singer and wanted to draw her portrait. Their relationship lasted till they both decided to get married. Kamal's father and Leela's father disagrees with their wishes. They both decided to run away and get married. They both lived a happy life eventhough it was very much an ordinary life. A year passed and Leela gave birth to a child. Kamal had to wrok extra hard and taking up an extra job as his drawings didn't make much money. One day Tijah, his sister came to see them and informed of the recent news that his father has passed away. When the will was read he was not left even a single cent of his father's wealth.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.