George Lucas in Love
George Lucas in Love
| 18 September 1999 (USA)
George Lucas in Love Trailers

1967 film student George Lucas has writer's block trying to finish his "Space Wheat" script, until a beautiful fellow student with a familiar hairstyle teaches him that the best stories are in plain sight.

ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Neil Welch This 8 minute short film purports to show us the experiences of film student George Lucas as his writer's block is solved when fellow student Marion inspires him and romance blooms.If you are a Star Wars fan and you haven't seen this film, you must stop what you are doing immediately, go out and find it, and see it without any further delay - you will love every second of it. Conversely, if you have never seen Star Wars then don't waste your time - most of the references in it won't mean anything to you at all.It is affectionate, witty, hysterically funny at times, and crafted by people who love what Lucas created while remaining aware of what critics say. Oh, and it's blessed with a couple of terrific payoffs (and some smart playout music).
edjavega Forget SPACEBALLS. This short film may be the most truly inventive and genuinely funny and witty spoof of STAR WARS (and Shakespeare IN LOVE!) you will ever see.(Spoilers) For example, in just one 30 second or so clip where the film student George Lucas goes from his dorm to visit his teacher, we "learn" where he got his inspiration for Han Solo and Chewbacca, for the "Evil Empire", for C3PO and R2D2, for Yoda, and even the music from the Mos Eisely cantina! That's sheer genius.It also doesn't look like a cheaply made production, what with such fine sets and acting from the principals. The inspiration for "Leia" is also a lovely actress, whatever happened to her? (Lysa Jakub) The only problem in fact with the film is that it is just 8 minutes long. You really want it to go on and on as it is literally a laugh every second.As for why my comment subject is named that way, you just have to see this!
Face_teh_Dark GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVEA Joe Nussbaum parody1967. George Lucas (convincingly nerdy Martin Hynes) is having trouble finishing his script for his epic about space oats, "3XR-259.7". When he meets Marion (Lisa Jakub) he finds true love and realizes that inspiration is right in front of him.The spoof genre is a tough one. If it works, it can be hilarious, if it doesn't, it's often dreadful. Movies like Not Another Teen Movie are perfect examples of what a bad spoof is: lazy writing, lame attacks on famous movies, mind-numbingly stupid jokes, and an inconsistent plot.Thankfully, GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE is everything a spoof should strive to be. The jokes are clever, subtle and spot-on. The characters are hilarious spoofs of famous "Star Wars" names, especially the backwards-talking professor (Patrick Kerr), George's stoned roommate (Jason Peck) and his visions, and the evil asthmatic Aaron (Jeff Wiens).The acting is top-notch, even if most of the cast members' characters are purely for comedic purpose. The best part of the movie is probably the shattering twist at the end.GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE is a movie that does perfectly what it's supposed to do. It generates many chuckles but even though it's a very good production and a clever spoof, the laugh out loud-level is not as high as in another recent Star Wars spoof, the hilarious "A Lost Hope". Still, it is a good spoof film and easy to enjoy. 8 out of 10.
rbverhoef This is one of the funniest short films I have ever seen. The references to Star Wars are great and the ending is just perfect. If you like a spoof with a little intelligence you will definitely like this short. Great.