Generation Zero
Generation Zero
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Generation Zero Trailers

An examination of the causes of the global economic crisis which began in 2008, studying how decades of social changes have influenced financial systems and practices.

Micitype Pretty Good
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Alleytom I watched this for the first time today (Feb 2017) and it is a great movie, it gives an accurate accounting of why we are where we are here in America right now. This is why Trump got elected, both the Democrats and Republicans aligned themselves with the wall street bankers and sold us (the middle class) out. The press was involved by not reporting the truth about what was going on with sub prime mortgages because the banks were being forced to loan money to people who were not creditworthy. According to the movie the disintegration of our culture is the root cause of our current situation, I would take the spoiling of American children in the 1950s as the direct cause with a grain of salt, but the events portrayed in the movie from the 1970s to present are accurate. I highly recommend you take the time and watch it, too bad it is not shown in schools.
tcziifle For all those who felt this film is just more right wing propaganda based on zero facts, I would appreciate their individual explanations calling out who, what, when, where, how and why we are now facing our "fiscal cliff" and potential economic meltdown.It is one thing to scream "propaganda" from a shallow emotional perspective however; without providing some intelligent facts to reasonably explain your opposite viewpoint or perspective, you just appear to parroting back a completely uninformed response of "No, that's not it!" Please explain what you know factually - not emotionally - are the root causes of our fiscal cliff and potential economic meltdown.
pete-386-424115 I can tell by the above reviewers that this film made them angry. The fact that this film succeeded in making people angry, alone, lends it credence on at least SOME level. The claims made that this documentary is propaganda are common to pretty much all documentaries. All documentaries are propaganda even as they are almost never presented as such. This piece of filmmaking takes an approach that is both effective and entertaining while pushing its narrative down a track that is most interesting, indeed. I highly suggest you give it a look.After all, if folks are outraged by it, you can be sure that it has merit. Or, you could be as closed minded as some and use words of the false LEFT/RIGHT paradigm such as "right-wing" or "neocon" or "socialist" or "left-wing".The other option is for you to give the film a look and take from it what you believe to be truthful. That's what I did and I was very entertained. I even learned a little bit.
will-hickie If you're a baby boomer you will probably not like this movie.Generation Zero takes a look at modern post WWI history and attempts to define where certain cycles begin and end, thus framing the motives and desires of the population in terms of where they fit in the cycle. Unlike many other movies in this genre it refreshingly doesn't get bogged down in conspiracy theories and new world order memes.Many of the ideas expressed in Generation Zero are not entirely new, but this is the first time I've seen them all presented together in one place. The cast is quite interesting, with a few well-known names, and does a decent job of explaining the various arguments and their subtlties.I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who wants a quick, obviously abridged, history lesson. It pulls together many different factoids and personalities from as many different eras in an easy to digest way that most people would not experience otherwise.I only gave it an 8 out of 10 because it avoided disenting opinions and pretty much left out WWI entirely. Otherwise it was one of better documentaries on this topic that I've seen.