Gangsters, Guns and Zombies
Gangsters, Guns and Zombies
| 30 June 2012 (USA)
Gangsters, Guns and Zombies Trailers

Q, Tony, Danny, and Steve think the police are their biggest problem after they pull off a robbery. But when the dead rise from the grave, they have to hide out with a woman and her grandmother in a fortified windmill.

Lawbolisted Powerful
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Michael Ledo A group of British bank robbers make their getaway during a major world wide zombie infestation. Danny (Simon Mathews) has been shot and it isn't rocket science to figure out what will happen. Tony (Huggy Leaver) is the gang leader. Q (Vincent Jerome) is the new guy and driver. Their van makes its way through the countryside looking for a safe house. Along the way we see clown zombies, doctor zombies, soccer zombies, and my favorite, re-enactor zombies.The cause of the infestation is unknown. The BBC smartly broadcasts instructions as what to do during the outbreak. On the plus side of this film is the British humor, although it is not a "Fido" over the top type of funny. On the negative side, the zombie actors were bad. There was little to no zombie make-up other than splatter red blood all over their faces. Much of the film takes place inside a van which makes things more "realistic" but at the same time more boring as we listen to conversations. The drawn scenes on the DVD cover are not in the film. They didn't spend that much money on special effects.It is a passable zombie film, although if you had trouble watching "Zombie Diaries" or "Zombie Apocalypse" you might take a pass on this one. It is less in quality. $9.96 at Walmart.Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex. Brief distant male rear zombie nudity.
MysteryMouse ...DON'T BOTHER. A rubbish, not-even-student-grade film. Apparently, given its only synopsis here which seems to be written by one of its overly enthusiastic and underly talented 'creators', it hopes to ride on the coat-tails of 70s B schlockers. Even if you enjoy badly done crap as a source of humor, don't waste your time. It's even more boring and banal than it is amateurish.I can't believe I wasted even these last five minutes of my life reviewing this. All I can say is, I watched this so that YOU DON'T HAVE TO.Now making up this timewaster's undeserved but obligatoryTenLinesOf Text.. Done.
Gatto Nero From the very start, I thought it's gonna be a stupid comedy with zombies. But to my surprise, it wasn't even funny!? It was a low-budget with some CGI effects thrown in. The zombies were not scary at all. But there was a few scenes that had some good scary potential in it. Like the scene with 'Crazy Steve' in the gas station restroom checking his infected arm. The scene where Grandma pushes Tony outside and the zombies rush in the house by the dozens! And at towards the end of the film where our hero, Q, sacrifices himself to be the bait and leads the pier zombies away from his injured pals.It was not such a bad film, it just needed more finance and it could have been a very good film. My favorite character was the scene-stealing Grandma played by Jennie Lathan. She did a great job! And what a finish to her character! Priceless! The actor who played Tony, Huggy Leaver, who to me looked like Richard Jeni crossed with James Russo, did a nice job. I also liked Muscles played by Charlie Rawes, who looked like a cross between Jason Statham / Steve 'StoneCold' Austin.Like I said, I wish they would have had more money to work with to make the zombies more believable looking. But oh well, if you're a true zombie aficionado then check this film at least once.
Robert Thorpe I wanted to like this film. I love Zombie films and look forward to seeing them when I can. Just some mindless fun. This is not that film. There is some witty dialogue but few and far between. The first 3/4 of the film we are in a van, very claustrophobic, tight shots and we never get to see the world. random zombies are everywhere and the make up is not well done. The after effects are horrible. The acting, yeah.. not good. now t the Story. It tries really hard to be as the box says Reservoir Dogs but fails. I mean, we start out right after an apparent bank heist during a zombie event as if anyone would care about money during this outbreak. A dude is shot and bleeding in the van. The next hour they are driving to a safe house. YAWN..... I really don't want to write more on this because it is just not worth my time. Its bad. You can totally tell it only had a budget of 1200 bucks, probably went to food for the cast. Is just bad.