Future My Love
Future My Love
| 26 June 2013 (USA)
Future My Love Trailers

Directed and narrated by Maja Borg, Future My Love is a unique love story challenging our collective and personal utopias in search of freedom.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Johan Malmsten These filmmakers bring up a concept of future utopia that I first heard of in the Zeitgeist films. And even in those I found these world changing ideas fascinating. But just like in Zeitgeist, the Venus-project is relegated to the sidelines as an afterthought while the film as a whole is far more concerned with musings of conspiracies (Zeitgeist) or poetics of lost loved ones and questions of gender (this one). So it's so frustrating when there's tidbits of Venus-project that tantalize the mind with possibilities, and then the narration cuts in and bladder on about loving in moderation and gender-issues. Some may find it beautiful and poetic. I find it dulling and irrelevant. Sometimes I wonder if the filmmakers only chose the project, not because of the widening of horizons it can widen, but because of the connotations of the word Venus. Somehow missing the point.Or, of course, it could very well be me that missed the point that they were trying to make with all of those meandering monologues. Maybe I am judging it according to a movie and message it wasn't trying to be or make... either way I think this was an opportunity so very missed. And coming back to that message. I think what they are actually envisioning is a sequence of events curiously similar to Things To Come by H.G. Wells. Because it will take an almost insurmountable amount of trust between ideologies to go from today's economy to the Venus Utopia.It's just a pity this film is so distracted.