| 12 February 2008 (USA)
Furnace Trailers

A ghost story taking place at a maximum security prison. A detective (Michael Paré ) is called to investigate a string of unexplained deaths as the prisoners fear for their lives.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
cybersleuth58 Some of this contains descriptions that could serve as spoilers... So be warned... Michael Pare, Danny Trejo, and Tom Sizemore are not exactly unknowns! So how could it be that bad??? Furnace is a movie which proves that even with talented actors a movie can be awful! There are so many elements that make this movie terrible. The lines are delivered poorly. There was no attempt to research the material; too much of it was completely ridiculous. For example, when an inmate is brought up from the furnace area speaking nonsense, the "doctor" orders "20 cc's of Haloperidol"! What???? Do you mean mgs?? Michael Pare's character makes some stupid comment to the "doctor" about having a posh practice in the suburbs to which she responds something equally as stupid about not "learning about the depths of the mind from sexually repressed housewives". The script is full gems like that! I could not figure out if the "Hot CSI girl" (aka coroner) was supposed to be the Medical Examiner or a crime scene tech...Unreality takes this movie to the point of being farcical. The prisoners all get to be one to a cell. (No overcrowding here)! There was also no racial tension... The Hispanics hang with the blacks and the whites. The doctor chalks up a lot to "narcotics" but apparently no one even thinks to pull urines on the prisoners or the guards. In fact, no one at the prison impresses the viewer as being particularly competent. I got so bored after about 30 minutes that I found myself checking my email. Because of the complete lack of character development there is no desire to see them resolve the conflicts presented by the... errr.... plot, and I use that term loosely.This was so far fetched that it felt like something a kid might have written. Don't waste your time with this one... Unless of course you've come out of surgery and have been given such good drugs that you don't care ...
lastliberal There is nothing like an old prison to add to the creepiness of a horror film, especially if there is some old murders that are at the root of the horror.Looking at this from just a detective thriller, it is very interesting as Michael Paré looks into a couple of suicides related to the prison. He hooks up with the prison psychiatrist (Jenny McShane) to investigate.Lots of creepiness and excitement for those that like Ring-type horror.Always love a chance to see Danny Trejo.They had to add that irritating rap during the credits! Biggest disappointment: Just who in the world runs out of a shower screaming at the sight of the ghost and takes the time to put on a bathrobe? You have to be kidding me!
carolyn-carter50 My boyfriend and I rented this yesterday. I loved it! Him not as much as me but overall the film was very scary and dark. The little girl in the film who had been burned badly was really hard to look at though the make up was so painfully created and realistic! I don't know many of the actors but over was scared to death! I highly recommend. The story stakes place in a dilapidated old prison where the ghost of a murdered young girl wanders the hall in search of her killer. Its not until the ending that you realize that her killer is the last person you expected. It's a pretty twisted premise so I don't recommend it for the kiddies!
atomic_age57 I can't understand why this is considered "unrated". There was no significant gore, no graphic nudity, no torture....nothing but the typical "R" rated schlock that continues to be churned out by amateur horror filmmakers. Other than about five seconds of the usual boring fake sex footage with the two main characters, there is nothing even really "R" rated in this film. In fact it is a very slow-moving, poorly acted, poorly scripted, tangled mess. The plot is very thin and predictable, the camera work terrible, and it's not the least bit scary. The prison setting (especially the closed-off section) does provide a bit of eerieness, but is otherwise ruined by the above-mentioned flaws. Just another unforgettable movie to throw on the scrap-heap of bad low-budget horror films. 2 stars