Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers!
Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers!
| 07 July 2007 (USA)
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Traumatic incidents, conflicts, and bloody quarrels awaiting the Wago family members who return home to bury their parents.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
uvulva Being one of the few Japanese black humour film I've watched, "Funuke Domo, Kanashimi No Ai Wo Misero" turned out to be most interesting. With well drawn characters and a plot full of twists and turns, this film captured my interest throughout.Though it begins with the sad death of the parents, the characters seems to be sad and worried of other matters as the story progresses. A selfish, untalented actress; another quiet, secretive sister; the hardworking, sympathetic brother and his cheery, selfless wife, this combination holds to its roots as the story unfolds to also show glimpses from the past that have greatly influenced the tensions in the present. The cinematography contain numerous scenes of Japan's serene countryside with a very compatible soundtrack throughout the film.Eriko Satô's performance as Sumika is brilliant. The rest of the cast was excellent as well. Hiromi Nagasaku as Machiko, especially in the few scenes where her sweetness and joy is distorted with eerily spoken words and facial expression, was very good. Script was intelligent as well with many instances of controlled agitation, bizarre twists as well as unsettling humour quite rampant as it goes.This film may make you think. Even though the elements of chaotic drama are present, it very well relates to real life and that fact may be shocking as well. Impressed with the direction here, I hope to follow more of Daihachi Yoshida's films.
sitenoise A good title, twisted family drama, black humor that hurts more than it tickles, a little sexual deviance, beautiful women. Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers! has it all.The films starts with a gruesome bus accident that kills the parents of siblings Shinji, Sumika, and Kiyomi. Kiyomi, an aspiring manga artist, witnesses it and decides the images would make good material for her next project. Four years ago, in their countryside home, elder sister Sumika (Eriko Sato) carved a checkerboard into her father's forehead because he wouldn't finance her dream of moving to Tokyo to become an actress. She turned to prostitution. Younger sister Kiyomi (Aimi Satsukawa) used her sister's actions as manga material and got it published. Sumika, in shame, left for Tokyo. The two sisters have not gotten along since. The death of the parents comes at a good time for Sumika who hasn't made it as an actress and is deeply in debt. She returns to her country homestead in the hopes of collecting some inheritance but finds out there isn't any. The rest of the story, although intricately woven, is not important here. Suffice to say the three siblings have deep dark secrets and rivalries that come boiling to the surface. It's the performances that make this film so good.Robo-babe, pin-up girl, horror queen, and Cutie Honey: Live Action star Eriko Sato gives the performance of her career as the relentlessly cruel and self-absorbed Sumika. Sometimes a role is just made for someone, and Sato takes this one and runs with it. Aimi Satsukawa brings wonderful pathos to the asthmatic, innocent yet deeply disturbed, Kiyomi. Veteran actor Masatoshi Nagase is solid and creepy as the brother who's gone where brothers are not supposed to go with sister Sumika. Sato is the star of the film and the whole thing would be unbearably dark and cruel if it weren't for the hilarious and wholesome performance of Hiromi Nagasaku as Shinji's wife, Machiko. Shinji procured Machiko via a marriage agency and Machiko, wanting to escape the demands and false hopes of the city thinks she will settle nicely into the lives of some good ol' down home country folk. Oops. Nagasaku, deservedly, has won multiple awards for her performance. She elevates every film she is in and this one is no exception. She plays the straight man to all the morbid cruelty going on around her. Her Machiko is as much of a failure as everyone else but she hasn't learned to take it out on others. She just wants everyone to get along.Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers! takes the theme of dysfunctional family drama and wrings it dry. If you like your humor dark and cruel, punctuated with double-takes that are sweet, wholesome, and absurd, you'll love this movie.
MikeA Offbeat family drama starring Eriko Sato (Cutey Honey, Carved).When their parents are killed in a bizarre cat-rescuing incident, the dysfunctional Wago siblings are reluctantly forced to endure each other once more under the same roof.Sumika (Sato) is a selfish wannabe actress, only returning to her quiet, rural home to collect her inheritance. When she finds there's no money and she cannot return to Tokyo for fear of a ruthless loan shark, she immediately recommences terrorising her younger sister Kyomi and elder stepbrother Shinji, and his new and relentlessly upbeat and optimistic wife Machiko (a wonderful turn by Hiromi Nagasaku).While being a black comedy from the get-go, 'Funuke' soon gets darker and more demented, as the family's history of violence, prostitution and dark secrets are revealed.While it's no classic, it's a good looking flick made with style and bolstered by some well measured and memorable performances.The 'Third Window' UK DVD release is technically decent enough, but there are no extras.
8thSin Other than SABU films, I haven't really liked any Japanese dark comedies, and I generally dislike any films with cult movie qualities... This one is a huge exception.Funuke Domo... is the story of a countryside family struggle. The movie begins with both parents dying in a car accident. The elder sister (Satou Eriko) comes back home from Tokyo because they are no longer able to send her money for acting school. The other 2 members of the family are the little sister (Satsukawa Aimi), an asthma-stricken aspiring manga writer and older brother (Nagase Masatoshi), who abuses his wife (Nagasaku Hiromi). Now that the frustrated elder sister came back (and eager to leave again though have no money), tension within the family hits an all-time-high. Every member of the family has a dark secret and it leads to one event after another...This movie is unbelievably well-casted. I have seen Satou Eriko in couple of dorama series before, but she had never been my type of gravure idol. This movie totally converted me. She is just so HOT and fit perfectly into that demonic personality. Her chemistry with Satsukawa Aiko was really good, and there were quite a few interesting interactions between the sisters. I have also seen Satsukawa in a few dorama series before, but she had previously failed to leave any impact on me. Her performance in this film was solid, excellent portrayal of a seemingly innocent but dark-minded girl. Nagase Masatoshi, the only experienced actor of the three, gives the most impressive performance in this movie. His character was concerned and frustrated the whole time, and his subtle acting enabled me to really sympathize with him. Nagasaku Hiromi was recognized with many awards for her supporting role in this film, and she was very funny and expressed her character's feeling exceptionally well. Her acting felt very natural and sincere. Casting was really well-done, but not only that, the director was able to draw out the best out of every one of them. This film is pretty fast-paced, but it still feels like a true Japanese film with excellent mix of wacky and dark humor with subtlety. The country landscape is very beautiful and calming, and there were some pretty advanced camera work that were really impactful.An exciting movie that explores family conflict. It's a movie that made me think "This is what a great Japanese film is supposed to be like." One of my favorite Japanese movies of 2007.
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