PG-13 | 16 October 1987 (USA)
Funland Trailers

When a mob family takes over an amusement park after the owner dies under mysterious circumstances, the recently-fired clown mascot seeks vengeance for the loss of his job.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Pluskylang Great Film overall
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
writtenbymkm-583-902097 This is a joke, right? It has to be a joke. No writer, director, producer, actor, cast and crew, could possibly make something this horrible except as a bizarre joke. Maybe they all got together and said, hey, what if we made the worst movie in the history of the universe, would people be suckered in and think it was entertaining? This cannot be a real movie. All the reviewers who liked it are in on the joke, that is the only possible explanation. I am not even going to mention what it is supposed to be about, because other reviewers have already done it, and because it is not a real movie. It is an incredibly bad joke.
gavin6942 When a mob family takes over an amusement park after the owner dies under mysterious circumstances, the recently-fired clown mascot (David Lander, known as Squiggy on "Laverne and Shirley") seeks vengeance for the loss of his job.The humor of this film is very strange, with a mixture of racist watermelon jokes, a "rectal surgical suppliers" convention, Natalie Wood's rowboat, some Mafia guys who take over the park, and a very, very good Humphrey Bogart impersonator. I am not entirely sure who this is supposed to appeal to (but I think it might be me).What is really weird is that the film is sort of marketed as a Mafia picture. That is how Netflix sells it, and it is how the plot is described on IMDb (see above). But that is not even the point. A mentally unhinged clown gets fired and then seeks revenge. It does not matter if the mob is in the story or not, because the focus is this crazy clown.
dgaither This movie was filmed largely in Six Flags over Georgia in 1986. Anyone who visited that park near that time will probably find it quite nostalgic. For the rest of us, it's a very long hour and a half. The main problem is that the movie makers couldn't seem to decide whether they were making a comedy or a thriller. There are elements that could be part of a better film in either genre, but because the tone is so inconsistent, it fails in both regards. This is a movie that had some very good ideas. When you hear some of the clever lines, or see the situations that are set up, you can imagine those reading the script being quite excited about its possibilities. None of these setups are ever taken through to the payoff. I guess this movie is a good example of how difficult it is to make even good ideas pay off in a movie.
KDWms Sometimes I have the luxury of reading IMDb comments about a movie before watching the flick. Such was the instance here. So I was anticipating that this might be one of the worst. But it didn't impress me that way. Don't get me wrong...we ain't got no Citizen Kane here. However, my opinion is that it's not as awful as some. The jist is that a long-time, unstable employee of Funland is eventually given the heave-ho when the park's ownership changes. The takeover family arranged the death of their predecessor. Wacky as he is (he's a clown, with a puppet which he talks to), our hero deduces this, and snipes at his replacement. Oh yeah - he's also so goofy as to converse with his deceased boss and a wax figure of Humphrey Bogart. It's one of those films that can't possibly be taken seriously. The most intelligent reaction is for the audience to realize that it has been "put on", because we sure have a campy result.