Full English Breakfast
Full English Breakfast
R | 20 May 2014 (USA)
Full English Breakfast Trailers

Through flashbacks, Full English Breakfast follows the violent career of Dave Bishop (Dave Courtney) a small-time London villain who kills his way to the top of Britain's drugs empire. Now happily 'retired' on the Kent coast Dave becomes embroiled in a bloody battle of wits with Al Qaeda terrorists who want to take over his criminal empire. Adding to the old mobster's woes is his younger trophy wife (Lucy Drive) wanting to play away with his new driver (Jamie Bannerman).

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Connor James Stevenson Wright We Brits are known for the amazing films that have been cinematically released over the years. Films like Get Carter, Quadrophenia, This I England, Trainspotting, Snatch, Sexy Beast etc. British films are very distinctive, popular and great.However on the other side of the spectrum are the straight to DVD British films. Films like Essex Boy's Retribution and the million and one Danny Dyer films. Which are all tripe. This film fits it. The unnecessary gratuitous violence which doesn't know where to stop and which just gets more and more uncomfortable. The bad acting and laughably bad cockney accents. Uninspired direction and cinematography. Awful color correction and grading. And the sound design isn't to great either. I think film Britain has to get out of the mentality of making bad straight to DVD films. There is general talent out there that needs to be found. Because when the talent is found we won't see films like Full English Breakfast.
dancindannyp Firstly, there is no way on God's earth this movie did $3.3million at the box office. I watched this in disbelief. It must have cost a tenner to make, it seemed like an embarrassing uni project. How this even got financed is beyond me. Someone somewhere said "you know what? This is a bloody good script, lets make it and get the cream of British actors to star in it". Well that person deserves to be locked up in a mental hospital. The only good thing to come out of this movie is the fact that it has given hope to all the new up and coming film makers. This is what you're up against folks, the bar couldn't get any lower. I don't know if it was made ironically as a spoof homage to all the bad gangster movies out there, if it was then great work but somehow I don't think it was. However, I urge anybody to watch this to see how unbelievably bad it really is. Take special notice of the sound effects in all the fight scenes. Priceless.
dale27 This film is one of the most controversial new releases out there, with some people saying it's the best thing since sliced bread and others saying it's a load of poo. Well I couldn't take it anymore. Curiosity got the best of me. So I ordered this bad boy online, I pulled in my pal Roger and my girl Diane, cracked open a few cold ones and got a pizza delivery man on the way over with the goods, and hit the play button. Film starts up, looking good. Music nice, location some small grotty cafe. Homeless bloke looks longingly at people eating good food, then gets slung out by the Chef... and on it goes. Nothing wrong that we could see... it's not big budget, sure. There are no car chases or alien invasions. It takes place in mostly quieter settings, a lot of it filmed in the (gorgeous by the way) English countryside around Kent. Well after enjoying the story, loving the characters and generally having a great time we all rated this one two thumbs up. If you watch this film make sure you get about 15 minutes in where the boss has just met the soldier bloke and then starts interrogating his henchman... after this point we knew we were watching a classic. You'll know what I mean.Anyway - amazing film. Story loved it, production values low budget but bang on the money and look beautiful. Sound not always as good as Hollywood the critics have a point on that one... but you've got to be alert to notice. Music maybe needed more famous/well known tracks but who knows what they could afford. Acting was great - subtle and nuanced, I have no idea why people didn't rate the actors. Dave is amazing in his role and deserves special praise. He's utterly terrifying. THe big bouncer guy is hilarious, so clearly tongue in cheek it's funny people find him so offensive. Film is quite long, maybe too long but that's a matter of taste and the girlfriend disagrees, so...8/10 is my final verdict. Great film, love the independent cinema scene, and to the negative reviewers, guys, stop, breathe, relax. Drop the Hollywood expectations and give it a fair shake. If you like a strong story, authentic performances and good old fashioned dramatic tension then give this a go you won't be disappointed. If it's not your thing then never mind, go and watch Transmogrifiers IV or whatever soulless airline on board movie dross you lot enjoy these days.
Adam Thewlett I wanted something a bit different over the weekend and by Jove I got it!Crime thrillers are not what usually tickles my pickle but this one was an absolute piéce de résistance. It's full of ghoulish killings and vile criminal types doing very unpleasant things to one another, but I must admit it got me rather fired up, out of my usual comfort zone, and throroughly kocked senseless by the shocking final twist (which I won't be giving away I'm afraid).The film follows the lives of Britain's drug barons, and shows how easy it can be for a poor fellow who once served Queen and Country to fall in with this unpleasant lot.I most highly commend this wonderful film, and I hope you all find it as delightful as I did. Only a 9, however, because it was too gory in parts. I'm squeamish.