Full Disclosure
Full Disclosure
| 15 May 2001 (USA)
Full Disclosure Trailers

A reporter discovers a woman who is a suspected terrorist.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I swear to you, that is an actual line in this. When will film-makers learn not to give audiences stuff that is so easily converted to insults about their work? I haven't watched, or even heard of, anything else by the director or writer, and suspect that their involvement in putting this thing together is the main reason it comes up short. The script could use help(the cliché-count is dangerously high, many of them appearing in the otherwise at times great dialog), especially the cheesy ending. It is an interesting and important subject that continues to be relevant today; the Israeli/Pakistani conflict. I liked the very noir-like music that was used, as well. The plot has plenty of developments, some of them surprises. Pacing isn't too bad. There is tension in this. The cast has proved talents(Madsen is underused). I like Ward; he's yet to disappoint me, and he's proved that he can be serious and funny without trying too hard. He's a tad similar to Clint Eastwood with the look and the voice(yes, that is about how far you can go in comparing them). The acting varies, but the leads are pretty good. It's unfortunate that this doesn't go above the level of being decent. I was entertained, for what it's worth. There is a bit of strong language and a little brutal violence and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to big fans of the concept or those who made it. 5/10
Hendray Many many flaws, but bad writing is the main culprit here. A decent cast, some fine acting here and there, but no one could be expected to overcome the lame script. You will cringe at the hack dialogue time and time again (the actors seem to), then after awhile, you just have to laugh weakly. And I was not charmed by Penelope Ann Miller's contract killer - an incredible character delivering some of the worst lines in the movie.I hung in there and watched it only because I thought a terrorism film made just before 9/11 could be interesting - but there's no real payoff in this regard either. This movie has its moments, but there's no mystery as to why it went straight to video. Don't waste your time on this one.
jpd-5 **Spoilers Ahead**Something just doesn't work in this movie. It has a good story line and some strong characters, but something keeps it from rising out of the "poor" to the "good" category. I suspect the missing element is a good director. Maybe a writer could have helped, too.There are some good moments in the film. Penelope Ann Miller plays a great villain. She interrogates her victims with some real dark humor. I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe. My dreams of her showing up at my door, would now be nightmares.The ending was enough to cause stomach distress. Ah, yes, Love Conquers All. Grow Up! The escape in the light jet is also far fetched. It's been a few years since I flew jets, but the preflight check and spooling up the engines takes a few minutes. Besides, I think the FBI could find one F-18 to persuade them to turn around, or the CIA could have used a Sidewinder as the solution to their problem.Almost anything could have improved the ending.
rooski3 The reason I watched this movie was because Fred Ward was in it.He seems to always portray an interesting character,and is the type of actor who doesn't seem to be acting.Additionally the supporting cast of Christopher Plummer, and Virginia Madsen both favorites of mine offered promise.Unfortunately the story line unfolded lugubriously. The college radicals who did bad things in the sixties has been overdone. The flashback technique to that era was uninspiring.For me the highlight of the movie turned out to be the song that was sung when the ending credits appeared. Too bad that neither the name of the song nor the singer was identified because the song lyrics were more memorable than any of the movie lines.