Freedom Force
Freedom Force
PG | 13 November 2013 (USA)
Freedom Force Trailers

There is a plot under way to change the course of history. Four kids are chosen to be the Freedom Force—a gang of unlikely heroes who travel through time to change the outcome of sacred stories.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
dbobby I don't even know where to begin. I don't want to come off mean but I can't even give them an A for effort in this day and age of animated film. It might as well have been done with stick figures. LOL.Even with a star voice casting of Christopher Lloyd or Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't even save this movie. It's really this bad. The CG and animation looks dated 10+ years (totally amateur) and the story and scenes are idiotic as well. If someone gave me the budget to do this CGI animated film I could guarantee I would do a 1000X better job especially utilizing the star voices. Okay. Maybe I came off a little too harsh. So here's the most positive thing I could say about it. I would highly recommend everyone to watch this movie, or even a scene from this movie, just so you don't take our word for it and you could see how bad it is for yourself.
Ucare I like animated movies a lot. And VERY VERY rarely I do not watch a movie till the end, even if it is not very good.I registered to this website just for this review: I do not remember to have ever watched a worse animated movie. I had to stop at 45 min (I resisted so long just because I was bored and needed to watch something, but the movie was more boring than my previous boredom). The animation is really bad. Do you remember those video-games of the past, where the cover was so beautiful and realistic but the animation of the game was totally unrealistic? So is this movie. Beautiful cover, bad animation. The animation is actually so annoying that I had sometimes a sort of seasickness, because the Characters move all the time in a strange way. The story is stupid and narrated in a complicated way. The voices are sometimes annoying. The gags are repetitive and of bad taste. Or I should say bad smell, as the main gag of this movie is a kid who farts. nope. And all is a plagiarism of other movies. Not in the funny way that other movies do. Just in a stupid way, to sell something which alone cannot be sold because has got no value by itself. I am sure there are bad movies. But to make all this effort in an animated movie, and get such a result, one must really want to fail.
marianadulantob So confusing and didn't have a thread... it just jumped from one scene to the oder with no correlation sometimes. It was boring, had some jokes for grown ups. The scenes in slow motion didn't make sense, they looked like the movie wasn't working properly. My nephew only liked a couple of parts with the puppy. It was difficult to relate to the characters and the adults had a fake french accent that made it difficult to understand them. I don't recommend it for children under 7 and I can't imagine an 8 or 9 year old enjoying it. Overall, just a messy movie with nothing interesting to tell and nothing that would keep the child interested. I enjoy a good animated movie, like Epic or Despicable me. This one wasn't only bad. Very bad movie.
xuanmingmei I got nothing against the previous review I mean I can't "defend" this movie much and people are free to think what they want after all, but I believe every movie deserves a constructive review rather than a destructive one. Soundtrack is good and I strongly disagree on the technique part being bad I think its quite good you can clearly see and feel the character expressions and in small details like the lions hair, you can see that animators have put a lot of work on this movie. But still,THE MOVIE IS BAD.The problem here isn't the animation: The problem is the writer. SAME problem that Eduardo Schuldt has on all his movies. He should really hire someone for the scripts because he's giving peruvian cinema a bad name by doing so himself.