Free Enterprise
Free Enterprise
| 04 June 1998 (USA)
Free Enterprise Trailers

Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
metabulis Every time I ask someone if they've seen this movie, they say : ''Ah, it's a Star Trek/Shatner thing!'' But it's not! This movie is very good. It's the story of guys in their late 20's coming into their adulthood. Dealing with every day normal (or geeky normal) experiences we all go through. From a threesome (!?) to having no electricity because you have overdue payments, to finding the woman of your life and loosing her. Shatner is the added bonus to this wonderful flick. After is inflated-ego trip, he now learns to laugh at himself and makes us laugh in the process. This movie reconciled me with ''Bill''. An unforgettable performance by Will & Grace's Eric McCormak of a William Shatner's speech from Star Trek (or a mixed interpretation of one!) Top 10 on my list! Go see it now...
cj909 I think the average viewer would be left cold by this movie, but forthose who have guys like this in their lives and perhaps have beenthe 'geek'y female in their circle it's pretty cute. Also, Shatner rules.As a chick who has spent part of the rent money on an original 12"Boba Fett and spent adolescence keeping the one and onlyCaptain as her personal lord and savior, I totally recommend it. Itsplace in film lore perhaps best belongs on Comedy Central on arainy Sunday afternoon, but sometimes that's enough.I would have liked to seen more (or anything) done with the femalecounterparts of these types of guys - many are not model types likeClaire but are interesting people in their own right. We're out theresearching for these guys while these guys are searching formodels who have our brains and sensitivities. (A wry, ironic, LOLhere.)
Beast_of_Bourbon Sorry to those who think this thing's an instant classic, but 'Free Enterprise' was terrible.  The only movie I've seen that was worse was 'Dogma.'  Even though William Shatner, like George Carlin in 'Dogma,' gives it a microgram of watchability, this flick was not funny, not interesting, not entertaining, and definitely not worth remembering.I dig Shatner and Star Trek/sci-fi and got most of the desperately hip references, but I just loathed virtually all of the characters.  I didn't care about anything in this movie!  'Master of Disguise' had better dialogue.  'The Ladies Man' had more believable relationships.  And what was with the film editing?  It was like watching a deck of cards being shuffled (badly)... hell, 'Memento' was easier to follow than this celluloid disaster. Not even Shatner's throwaway rap scene at the end could save the stinker that is 'Free Enterprise.'  I was half-hoping he'd grab a microphone and repeat his famous "Get a life" skit from SNL, instead saying "Get a tub of cyanide and drink deeply."Shame, they took a good idea and drowned it in a bottomless pit of a screenplay.  I hope the kids that made 'Free Enterprise' grow up someday and make a real movie.  (I see they're making a sequel to this, 6 years later.  I guess they had nothing much else going on...)
Joshua Stanton (darkdaedra) I stumbled across this movie on TV today and was really blown away. Who would have thought of a romantic comedy about two Trekkies(or Trekkers, not sure what the term is these days)? The movie appears to be at least somewhat autobiographical, and the story rings true.Shatner comes through with the performance of a lifetime. His portrayal of himself is vulnerable and believable. His obsession with creating musical version of William Shakespeare's "Julius Caeser" is hilarious and it's really funny to see Shatner poking fun at himself.All in all, this movie is surprisingly good and although really aimed at sci-fi fans, it is accessible to anyone. I highly recommend this lighthearted film.