Fraulein Doktor
Fraulein Doktor
| 15 May 1969 (USA)
Fraulein Doktor Trailers

A seductive and ruthless spy in the service of Germany steals state secrets- including the formula for poison gas-from England and France during World War I. British intelligence, in turn, tries to hunt her down.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Kenneth Johnson It seems more than passing strange that such utter dreck as "Dukes of Hazzard" and "The Hills Have Eyes" (the new version) can find DVD distributors while older - and far superior works such as this film - are nowhere to be found. With all the on-going debate about the morality (or lack thereof) of warfare, and interest in espionage (consider the multiple Jack Ryan, Bourne, XXX, and "Mission: Impossible" productions, this would seem to be an obvious choice for release on DVD. True, it LOOKS like a 1968 motion picture because it IS a 1968 motion picture. But style consideration aside, this is still a production that actually has something valuable to say, and has plenty of plots twists to keep an audience entertained. If nothing else, will SOMEBODY please consider getting the soundtrack onto some kind of CD, whether it be a compilation with other Morricone music or as a stand-alone. I don't know if industry people bother to read what we fans have to say about their products, but if you are reading this and other comments, please take us seriously. We are paying for your lavish homes with our hard-earned dollars spent on tickets, DVDs and CDs - give us what we want! All that said, if you are reading this and have not seen this film, lobby for it's release so you may see what those of us who have seen it are talking about. You will not be disappointed.
Piper12 Like almost everyone else who has commented on this movie, I can only wonder why this has never appeared on video.I recall seeing it at about age 12 on the "The Late Show," circa 1972. I too recall the poison gas attack and the weirdly garbed horses. (I don't recall the more horrific bits I've seen described here; they were likely cut out for the TV audience.) But the scenes I REALLY liked were the ones involving the death of Lord Kitchener aboard the HMS Hampshire, almost exactly 90 years ago. The scenes of the doomed cruiser approaching the minefield in the storm were really chilling, as I recall.Don't recall the musical score, but the comments of the others now have me curious. Get this one out on video!
Zen Bones I am not ordinarily a fan of spy thrillers because the spies always seem to live in their own world oblivious to the realities of the rest of the world around them. But this film shows for the first time a spy who sees first hand the results of her work. There is blood on her hands literally as well as symbolically. It is interesting that the one time we see a spy coming face to face with the realities of their handiwork, it is a woman who is the spy. Like others have mentioned, the battlefield scenes contain some of the most horrific scenes of war carnage ever shot. Not since Akira Kurosawa's "Kagemusha" has the futility and horror of battle been so profoundly depicted. No war was more futile and insane than the first world war, and the grisly images of melting skin and soldier's bodies spasming and writhing in agony are a perfect illustration of one of the biggest turning points in world history. War was no longer played according to rules or any standard of humanity. This is also poignantly shown in a scene when a German general reluctantly pins a medal on "Fraulein Doktor" because she'd killed Lord Kitchener and Kitchener had been a personal friend of his. One has to put aside some of the 60s-style make-up and hairstyles, but most of the acting is very good and the whole movie will keep your attention all the way through to to the riveting climax. Id' rank this along with "Gallipoli", "Paths of Glory" and "King and Country" as one of the best WWI movies ever made. And to echo some of the other comments here.... I wish I had taped this!
gunneras I saw this movie in Valparaiso Chile in Spring 1970. My girlfriend persuaded me to see it over Hannibal Brookes, I am glad she did! This is a marvelous WWI movie. It has U-boat scenes, a German gas attack in the western front trenches, and a multitude of other thrills. I don't know why this movie isn't out on videotape. I'd sure like to see it again.