Four Assassins
Four Assassins
| 14 May 2013 (USA)
Four Assassins Trailers

Four assassins meet in a hotel suite to resolve unfinished business. A tense drama set in the cosmopolitan world of Hong Kong.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
devesh pant Four assassin movie is story of four people and all of them are assassin so in this movie one guy got the work for killing couple but he didn't kill both of them that is why other three are in his place to find out what happen why didn't he competed his job. In this movie there are three guys one girl and girl was his ex-girlfriend, one guy is very aggressive, one guy is boss. In the starting everyone sitting and having lunch together telling their past assassin story to each other. Sometime after lunch the aggressive guy started killing everyone than fight between them started. Movie is created totally in one room. So, there is no much for director to make this even better if actors are more professional this movie can became excellent only because of the actors this movies is not that up to mark. I have seen lots of movies where director have nothing to do much so, those movie made better by the actors and these film lacking that. If you are planning to watch these movies I will better suggest skip it.
rgblakey Action films come along all the time, but sometimes the cover or poster art to the release is a bit deceptive. While it is the selling point and they clearly want it to be eye catching and interesting, it can also hurt a film if it doesn't live up to expectations. Four Assassins is one such film that leads you to prepare for an action heavy film, but delivers something completely different, but does it work? Four Assassins follows four assassins that meet up in a Hong Kong hotel room to resolve unfinished business. As the night progresses secrets and the truth is slowly revealed that affects them all and all in the name of love. The story here is fairly simple and for all intents and purposes should not work at all, but somehow does. Most of this is thanks to the cast featuring the always good Will Yun Lee and Miguel Ferrer taking the lead. The film features some decent action, but is more about the character study than anything else. The structure is very Tarantinoish focusing on the dialogue as opposed to the action to keep this film moving forward as well as using flashbacks to learn more about their past. While at first it is a bit of a letdown with the lack of action, the well written dialogue ends up making for an unexpected film that works. While it doesn't break any ground it still steps out of the normal forgettable action fare and ends up delivering a smart thought provoking story. Have no fear, there is some action here and while it's not much it is well done.This film is heavy on the dialogue, but keeps things interesting enough to keep the viewer from losing interest. Think Reservoir Dogs and change out the bank robbers with assassins and you have the vibe of this film. Lee has everything needed to carry this movie and does a great job. The rest of the cast do a fine job, but the only down side may be the misleading box art. Hopefully people will give this film more of a chance and watch it for what it is as opposed to what it appears to be.
Foldees A rather stylishly shot action drama, 4 Assassins sees a quartet of killers meet in a swanky Hong Hotel room. They are there to discuss a hit that seemingly went wrong: two people were to be killed but only one body was found. The assassin in question is Marcus (Yun Lee) who swears there were two bodies and he terminated both targets. His partners in crime, however, do not believe him. There is old friend and mentor Eli (Ferrer) who despite caring a lot for Marcus knows he is lying and knows that Marcus is no longer a reliable killer. Then there is Cordelia (Renard), Marcus' old flame and a ruthless killer herself and who also sees that Marcus has become weak. Rounding out the foursome is Chase (Williams) who is really only there to be annoying, British (so therefore, annoying!) and to provide tension within in the group as all he would really like to do is shoot Marcus in the head. So the four squabble, reminisce, have dinner and wait for the inevitable phone call signalling it is time to terminate Marcus.4 Assassins might, unfortunately, be light on the action but it is still a satisfying little drama about killers contemplating their profession and coming to terms with the fact they have to kill one of their own. Despite the absence of copious action and the confined setting, the film never drags and tension is built quite nicely even if the climax if fairly predictable. The dialogue isn't always quite as sharp and clever as the makers would like to think it is but the cast share genuine chemistry: especially Ferrer and Yun Lee who really feel like old friends and infuse their characters with actual personality. Now, the set up might not sound like the most appealing (a group of contract killers stuck in a hotel room chatting and having dinner) but, as mentioned, tension is built well and the film benefits from some striking photography. Frequent flashbacks are also included as the four discuss previous missions and we get to see them at work: these scenes also feature much of the, limited, action.There are a couple of nice hand-to-hand combat scenes including a somewhat brutal scene that sees Cordelia taking a beating on her first assignment, a silly sequence involving a car in Wales of all places (!!) and the requisite amount of silencer based gun action. It would have been nice to have a bit more action or at least another fight scene but 4 Assassins still works thanks to the likable cast and stylish production design. It's certainly a B-movie that is classier than you might first think and it's always good to see the much-underrated Miguel (Robocop) Ferrer getting a nice meaty part.Not Bad.
DrtyBlvd every way.Script, acting, fight scenes, set design - accents - you name it, it's absolutely terrible.Not worth your time. Or theirs.More interestingly, a review here on IMDb has to be ten lines in length, or it cannot be posted - but there genuinely isn't ten lines of criticism worth leveling at this film.In part, that is one of the problems the film has as well - *it could have been done in less than ten lines* - there aren't many films brave enough or strong enough to carry off the 'four protagonists in one room for the entire film' scenario - and this one shouldn't have attempted it.