Forced to Kill
Forced to Kill
R | 18 May 1994 (USA)
Forced to Kill Trailers

A repo man tries to deliver a repossessed Jaguar. He's captured by a bizarre family, straight out of the backwoods, who force him to fight in an illegal, bare-fist tournament run by an insane sheriff.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Leofwine_draca FORCED TO KILL is another straight-up action flick from the hard-working team at PM Entertainment. This one features an exceptionally wooden actor in the form of Corey Michael Eubanks, playing an ordinary guy with exceptional fighting skills who is forced to fight by a small town's corrupt law enforcement department.Michael Ironside is the chief villain here and he delivers his dialogue with his customary growl and is, inevitably, the best thing about this movie. The rest begins as a drawn-out tournament-style fighting flick before moving into the usual chase thriller territory for the second part. Rance and Clint Howard play in support alongside Don Swayze, making this a film for less-well-known family members of famous figures. The action's okay but the film stalls in between, although the ending's over-the-top fun.
merklekranz "Forced to Kill" smacks of a vanity project for writer, producer, and leading man, Corey Michael Eubanks. For almost the entire film the shirtless Eubanks struts his stunt man stuff. The viewer is witness to endless car wrecks, and bare knuckles fighting, along with some horse riding, speed boat chasing, and cliff jumping. Unfortunately all this mayhem is tied together with a script devoid of even a minute amount of logic. It is pleasant to see good character actors Michael Ironside, Rance Howard, and Clint Howard. What is not so pleasant are the crater sized plot holes. Although the sleaze factor is there, the common sense factor is non existent. "Forced to Kill" is nothing more than mindless entertainment, with mind numbing flaws. - MERK
pmw-7 Well, another stupid kick-em-up shoot-em-up film, but a good one. Ironside makes for a great evil sheriff, and Cory Micheal Eubanks is convincing in his round house kick moves. Music and sound effects are especially good for a B film.What I find really funny is in the trailer this film was proported to be the most "relative" film of the year, and that's certainly the case....Cory is Bob Eubanks' son, Pat Swayze's brother is in it, Clint Howard (Ron's little brother) is in it, and Rance Howard (Ron's dad) is in it. VERY RELITIVE.But again, great sound FX and music.Sumaria Vumpage
Motowhip Great movie!!! A bunch of redneck hicks look for a fighter to use in a ultimate fighting tournemant, its great. They take his wife and he ends up fighting for his life. Good fight scenes!