Forced To Fight
Forced To Fight
| 31 August 2011 (USA)
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Once a legend in the brutal world of illicit underground fighting, Shane Slavin (Daniels) decides to turn his life around, promising his wife and young son he's fought his last battle. But when his younger brother betrays a ruthless crime boss (Weller), Shane is forced back into the arena to pay his brother's debts and to protect his family.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Comeuppance Reviews Shane Slavin (Daniels) is a former Punchfighter but now shuns violence and works as a humble auto mechanic. When his brother Scotty (Reece) follows in his footsteps and begins underground fighting for ruthless fight promoter Danny G (Weller), he makes a terrible mistake. He begins borrowing against his fight winnings, and soon he owes Mr. G 64,000 dollars. But he can't earn it back because G's goons give him a severe beating. When G approaches Shane about earning the money in lieu of his brother in a "comeback" role, Shane of course says no. Seeing no other way to earn the money, he's then "Forced To Fight". The only problem is, the fight game has become even more brutal since Shane left, and, to compete with younger, stronger fighters, Shane has to train and train to remain in the game. But it begins to negatively affect his personality, and he becomes a jerk to his wife Connie (Weaver) and his son James (Thomas). What with Danny G forcing him to take dives, and even kidnapping his wife and son, the stakes have never been higher for Shane Slavin. But is he truly forced to fight...or does he enjoy it and now he's fighting for his honor and pride? Find out today...It was great to see an older, wiser Gary Daniels. Especially when he can Punchfight with the best of them. But you also care about his character Shane, who goes from a nonviolent mechanic to the guy who gets "in too deep" and his whole demeanor becomes darker. Whether intentional or not, the theme of the film seems to be that the older fighters have more heart. The younger guys might have flashier moves, more bulk, and stupider tattoos, but Shane Slavin refuses to fight dirty and initially is resistant even to MMA-style floor grappling, insisting he's a "stand-up" fighter (in more ways than one). Peter Weller then makes a hilarious remark about how it looks gay anyway.While it is, frankly, amazing that in 2011 Punchfighters of this type are still being made, and we are happy about that, it does kind of make you long for the old days. Probably much like Shane Slavin. Look at a movie like Shootfighter (1992), where fighters had colorful, individual personalities and fighting styles like Boa and Mongoose. Compare that with today where we have a bunch of heartless, soulless, characterless, humorless, merciless thugs as fighters. Screaming fans in the audience no longer hold cash in their hands. Now it's all done on a computer, and rather than clutching their cash, they now clutch their iPhones. Sure, Punchfighters are still being made, but at what cost? The presence of Gary Daniels not only keeps the movie afloat, it highlights and underlines this change of the world to a harsher, less fun reality.If you watch a lot of Punchfighters (and we assume you do if you're reading this site) then plotwise, Forced to Fight is nothing you haven't seen before. It has every single cliché (not meant in a negative way) these movies tend to have. It would be pointless to list them all, because the movie itself is one big cliché. But movies like this are made for fans who want to see them - hence you can actually SEE the fights and there, mercifully, isn't a reliance on quick cuts and nu-metal. That's absolutely to the movie's credit, but you may get "punch fatigue" towards the end if your tolerance for shirtless, hulking men in small shorts wailing on each other isn't super high (i.e. if you are a normal human being).Fortunately, Forced to Fight is, if nothing else, evidence that our beloved Gary Daniels has still got it. That alone makes the movie worth seeing, and the presence of Peter Weller only sweetens the deal. But if some of the things we mentioned earlier turn you off, thanks to the predictability of it all, at least you'll know what to expect going in.
TheBishop34 I am not sure what to say about this film. I liked both Gary Daniels and Peter Weller in it, I thought the fight scenes were very well done and I was pretty entertained by it. However the film is bad on so many levels, the plot pretty standard fare, probably something you would have seen a lot in the 80s, Daniels has to fight to pay the debt his brother owes to a underground fight promoter played by Weller.The acting of Daniels' characters wife and child are largely cringe worthy especially the boy. The pacing is very off in the film, you know time has to be passing, but it doesn't feel that way. Daniels decent into his characters fighting addiction is almost so sudden as to be unbelievable as is his abusive way he handles his family after this occurs. Nothing about this part of the film feels genuine and is what really brings the film down.The nail in the coffin comes with when Weller kills the brother needlessly. It doesn't really follow, he has Daniels fighting for him, even got him to take dives. He took Weller's threats seriously, so the murder of the brother does nothing except give Daniels a reason to screw Weller royally which he does.There are other nitpicks here, the big bad fighter at the end isn't really set up well, you never really see him as much of threat and Daniels seems to have an easier time of finishing him then he did the previous fighter. The cop that is investigating the murder seems to have been pulled from the 70s, old style appearance, unkempt appearance, heavy NY accent and all. Then the low budget swat team seen at the end, all black ski mask wearing subjects with handcuffs visible to show they are cops.However even with all the flaws, I was still entertained and in the end that is all a film has to do.
rgblakey Martial arts films just don't come out all that often with the exception of the Asian market. Back in the 80's and 90's there was a new one hitting the video shelf all the time featuring an exclusive group of martial artists that had cornered the market. One of them included Gary Daniels who also recently showed up in the original Expendables film and now has an all-new martial arts film called Forced to fight.Forced to Fight follows an ex-kick boxer, forced into the world of MMA when is brother refuses to throw a fight and left for dead. As if trying to fight to pay off his debt wasn't enough he has to content with the growing obsession of being back in the ring and the toll it takes on his family. This is one of those movies that you pretty much just watch for the fighting. The story is fine, but it is one that has been done a hundred times over, especially back in the 80'/90's action phase. This film fits right into that category and delivers the look and fill with the added addition of the MMA style fighting. The way they bring Daniels up to date with this sort of fighting is added to the story, but still manages to let him keep his style intact. There is plenty of martial arts action here, with most of it well choreographed, with just a few that don't offer all that much excitement. Daniels hasn't lost a step and continues to have a great screen presence. Robocop himself Peter Weller jumps in as the baddie for the film and does a good job cheesing it up a bit while not getting too over the top.This is a film that will most likely only entertain the hardcore martial arts fans and is exactly who it is made for. While he never left, it's always great to see one of the old school guys back on the shelves with a new movie and Daniels delivers. If you love old school martial arts, then give Forced to Fight a try.
gavin6942 Scotty owes money to Danny G (Peter Weller). He gets beat up, and his brother (Gary Daniels) steps up to fight and earn the money... but getting in is a lot easier than getting out.There is not a whole lot about this film that makes sense. Why is the lead character (Daniels) clearly English, and yet his family is not? Why does he get so enraged as the film progresses? Why does his wife tolerate it? What the heck? Daniels is a great fighter, even at age 49. He has appeared in scores of action films and is known as a kickboxing champion. You may have recently seen him in "The Expendables" as the villain, or appearing alongside Wesley Snipes or Steve Austin in recent years. This is not his best work... not by far.