Forbidden Zone
Forbidden Zone
R | 15 March 1980 (USA)
Forbidden Zone Trailers

A mysterious door in the basement of the Hercules house leads to the Sixth Dimension by way of a gigantic set of intestine. When Frenchy slips through the door, King Fausto falls in love with her. The jealous Queen Doris takes Frenchy prisoner, and it is up to the Hercules family and friend Squeezit Henderson to rescue her.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
O2D This movie is just bad from start to finish. It was extremely hard to watch the entire thing. I'd give it minus 3 stars.
rokcomx Forbidden Zone reminded me a lot of the early homemade movies by the 70s comedy troupe the Firesign Theatre. You're probably very familiar with them, as they were making the brainiest 70s comedy records (my faves being the sci-fi I Think We're All Bozos on the Bus and the late night TV spoof Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers).Less known are the Firesign homemade movies, like Eat of Be Eaten and Nick Danger: Third Eye (they also used to overdub comedy dialogue over old movie serials for an 80s Showtime series called Hot Shorts) - Zone was a LOT like those weird old vids.There was also an element of Sid & Marty Krofft to Zone, which seems about right since the Elfmans grew up on 70s TV shows like HR Pufnstuff, Lidsville, et al. And, funnily, just as I was thinking the B&W and golly-gee-whiz acting reminded me of an old Mickey Mouse Club ep - but on acid - the girl with the Mouse ears showed up ---- I bet anything, tho, that the Elfmans were MOST inspired by Frank Zappa's 200 Motels, for which Zone could practically serve as a sequel, if with more cabaret and less "classical" music.I especially liked Zone's Pythonesque animated sequences, and I'll never be able to hear the words "Pico" or "Sepulveda" without humming that bizarre little sequence.When the flick ended, I felt like I'd just come off a dicey acid trip, but it was great fun to checkout! Somebody should make a stand-alone video for Danny Elfman's devil sequence (which meticulously recreated the hijinks of several classic cartoons, even using some sound samples from the 'toons) - they could screen it on MTV tomorrow, and I bet few would ever guess it's a quarter century old and not a brand new video by the Killers or My Chemical Romance....
rjlafont Imagine if 50 of your closest Hollywood friends, all aspiring or has-been actors agree to be in your ultra-low budget thriller / musical and an equal number of craft people agree to do all the behind the scenes work for free, including cardboard sets so thin that just walking by them makes them quiver. Now imagine that since you never expect anyone to ever see this epic effort you toss out everything anyone ever taught you in film or acting school and toss in every Yiddish cliché, elementary school poo reference and simulated sex with amphibians, add choreographed dance numbers lip-synced to marginally classic recordings long since in the public domain, that is what you will see in Forbidden Zone.I loved it! I don't think that I have ever been so captivated and appalled by any movie, ever. This is a classic that must be seen by all USC film students in Cinema 101. It is Judy and Mickey doing a show in her father's barn on steroids. I apologize for the has-been reference above because every actor in every scene was right on mark and brilliant. Everyone exhibited extreme courage by showing their worst side in almost every scene. Actors really don't like to do that as a rule and takes a high level of confidence to do so. To all the actors I stand, applaud and solute you.
LCShackley I thought that HEAD by the Monkees and 200 MOTELS by Frank Zappa were horrible, self-indulgent wastes of celluloid made by pop icons...but I may have to re-evaluate them after seeing something even worse, namely FORBIDDEN ZONE. Obviously, from the comments on this thread, there are lots of people who find this dreck entertaining, but it is hard to fathom.Sadism, racism, profanity, vulgarity, even bodily function jokes...yes, all the stuff that drunk or chemically-influenced college boys might find amusing...they're all here in profusion. About the only redeeming factors in this movie are the 30s music tracks, the clever animation, and the references to 30s films and musicians.This film is an example of what happens when an inbred group makes a movie without any accountability or quality control. Avoid it at all costs. (Trivia bit: this is Danny Elfman's first score, and even here he is using Steve Bartek to help with his arrangements. Bartek did orchestration duty on many of Elfman's later "legit" scores.)